Half Marathon in a Year?



  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I sure hope its possible, because that's what I'm working toward.

    I started C25K in January (just passed the half way point of the runs today - thursday is the big 20 minute run to finish week 5).

    I am aiming for the WDW half marathon in January of next year. I have three 5Ks on my calendar already (the first is on St. Paddy's day - before I finish the program) and I am going to start looking for a 10K or 2 in the fall to put on the calendar.

    Everything I've read says it should be doable... and I believe it. There's lots of great support to be had here and on the message boards from c25k.com

    I totally agree with the idea of signing up for a race, and letting people know about the goals. I've told everyone of my goals... in person and on Facebook. It's helping me to keep at it with my running.

    Give it a go... if you're looking for more support there is a couch25k group here on MFP as well.

  • jlo0812
    jlo0812 Posts: 12 Member
    Absolutely you can do it, I'm running a half marathon in April and I just started running in January! If you can find some running groups in your area they can definitely help you keep your focus. Like others have said, sign up for some shorter races in the meantime, do the couch to 5k plan and find a half marathon plan that works for you, there are a ton of them out there (Hal Higdon is a good one). Best of luck to you, the Disney half marathon next year sounds extremely exciting!
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    So I started the Couch to 5K program today for the second time....I forgot how tired I was after the first day! :) I'm glad I was able to finish, though! Does anyone know what the best way to log c25k is? I just put it in as 8 minutes of running, and 22 minutes of walking. Is there a better way? I didn't wear my HRM, but I'm not even sure if I know how to use my HRM enough to trust that.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Putting in two entries - one for the walking part and one for the running part was what I did until I got an HRM.

    It works pretty well, and is reasonably close.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Follow a good training plan, listen to your body, be consistent and you can do it.