All 5'7" - 5'9" -- Let's compare weight w/pants size



  • tlhpruitt
    tlhpruitt Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5"71/2" I maintain between 170-175; I'm 50 and wear 10s or 12s. I am more comfortable in 12s. med or large tops. I find that the more expensive brands, I can wear 10s comfortably. When I was in my early 20s and I weighed 150, I was wearing 12s. Going to get to 160 and should be in 10s.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I'm 5'7 and weigh in st 213 and depending on the brand of jeans I can fit any where from size 11-14. I'm very big bones all the girls in my family are. Shirts I fit a large to xlarge depends on brand also. But my biggest problem is the length of the shirt I have huge boobs and the hike up my shirt a lot. I'd like to get to 175 and see how I feel at that weight

    I have huge boobs too!!!! They are a pin when I want to pick out a shirt.
  • I'm 5'8", 115 right now, and a size 0. And then an xs or sometimes s in tops (and bottoms). Even when I did gain weight I've been able to wear the same clothes.
  • I'm 5'8" and 111 pounds and I currently wear a size 0 or 1 in jeans.
  • I'm 5'8" - my weight is about 135. I wear a size seven. I have the typical "hourglass" figure, so my pants have to fit my hips/butt, and I always need belts for the waist. Shirts I can vary from S-M. I'm only a B-cup, but sometimes the S shirts are tight on the tummy or arms.
    7 months ago I weighed 155 & I was wearing a size 11 pants & Medium shirts only.
    Brands are so weird though- I have a set of workout clothes & the pants are a Large & the top is a small . . . I think sometimes I need to buy larger pants b/c of my height, & I'm not even THAT tall!!
  • Im 5' 8" 201.5 lbs and I wear a loose size14/snug size 12 pants. My muffin top makes a 12 uncomfortable. :blushing:
  • krizaten
    krizaten Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5.9", 183#, wear a 12, apple shape, carry all my weight in my belley and sides. Hope to get back into my small 10's.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I am 5'9". On 08/16/2012 I clocked 189LB. This was 61 LB loss in exactly 1 year. I started this "diet" at the age 49 with 254LBs weight and size 38 pants.

    On my 1 year weight loss anniversary I purchased size 32. I only bought one pair as I plan to get rid of another 10LB and get into the size 30.

    Meanwhile I raided my 24 year old's Salvation Army donation bag and pulled all of his 32 size shorts. :)
  • I'm 5'9, currently at 216 and I'm in a loose 18...shooting for a 12! Go me!

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  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    Sizes in pants have changed drasticly since the 80s. My girls are 13 and 10 and it boggles me that the 13yr old is wearing size 11 jeans, she is skinny. My sister who has always been small and has old jeans she gave my 13yr old those old jeans and they are sizes 4 and 5. Thats a big difference. She feels fat because of her size 11 pants. The 10yr old is wearing women's large shirts I thought she would be atleast a medium or small in woman's. Something is definatly wrong with clothing sizes now.
  • I'm 5ft8, 138lbs and wear size 8 pants!
  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
    5'8, Current weight is around 155 and I wear a size 8 or a 10 (loose 10), VERY snug size 6. Medium in shirts. At my thinnest, I was 124 pounds, size 2 in most pairs of pants and shorts, XS in tops (no boobs!) That was the smallest I've ever been, would love to be able to fit into those pants and shorts again, and if I could choose, I'd keep the boobs (won't happen though if I lose the weight! Boobs are the first place the weight comes off for me!)
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5 10 and started at 242 size 20 to 22 pant I lost 50 lbs and wear 12 to 13 depending on brands recently pregnant though so we'll see how long that lasts
  • First post; woot!

    I'm 5'8", 150lbs, and wear about a 10 in jeans. Tops vary from small to medium (mediums are often too big in the chest). I have more of pear shape, so I carry my weight in the hip/thigh area. Goal is to get to about 130lbs and a size 6 (ish). But, ultimately, to be the healthiest me I can be!
  • KMRose1788
    KMRose1788 Posts: 32 Member
    I am 5'7 and weight 194 and a size 12/31 pants depending on brand. My goal is 160. I have never dieted before and this is all new to me, but I am trying. I follow a semi-paleo diet but allowed myself LOTS of 'cheats' and now the cheats have stopped. I eat low gluten and little dairy and focus on veg and protien with a few fruit servings.
  • KMRose1788
    KMRose1788 Posts: 32 Member
    I also have a large chest, girls ALWAYS tell me I am so 'lucky' and I always think they are crazy! Buying swimsuits, tshirts, sweaters, EVERYTHING is hard. It's a fine like between looks fine and looks like a porn star haha
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    5'7" - flucutate between 132 - 137 pounds (a bit more because I quit smoking... grrrr...)
    Pants size - 2 or 4

    Sizes change with the times. I am sure I would NOT have been a 2 or 4 10 years ago.
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    5'10", 175lbs, Size US 12
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    5-8" here - currently 169 (was 196 in January) - in a size 10! :)
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    5'6.5 120 lbs I wear anything from a size 0 - 8 depending on the brand. Normally I wear a size 4