Any insomniacs out there????

Please friend me. Night time is torture for me. I want to eat all night long. I am convinced I never would have gained this weight if I didn't have insomnia. Anyone else?


  • Ah yes, insomnia. They've tried me on a lot of different medications, even holistic suggestions, etc., and my body just refuses to give in until I'm near the point of exhaustion. Added!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    You could eat your dinner in 'shifts' I do that sometimes. My dinner is very high calorie compared to other parts of my day, diary is public if you want to look.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    I stay up late on the computer a lot. I used to spend that aimless time eating, just like a lot of people. I substituted my unconscious need to "eat" something with a bottle of water ALWAYS at my desk. You could even flavor it with Crystal Lite or drink diet soda or tea or just straight water, whatever you prefer, but something with no calorie or extremely low-calories to eliminate the consequence of night snacking. Or even try sugar free jello cups, 5 cals each. Gives your stomach something to do, your mind something to focus on, and replaces high calorie and salty snacks like popcorn and chips that night snackers usually rely on. It's what works for me!
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    Added (:
  • I have trouble sleeping, not as bad a full blown insomnia though, but I find if I really focus on trying to understanding why I'm wanting to eat when I'm not hungry, it not only distracts me from eating, but it also highlighted some underlying issues that I wasn't dealing with. And low and behold I dealt with them while wide awake at 3am instead of eating and then seem to be sleeping since --- it's been about 4 weeks now.
  • I also suffer from moderate insomnia. I have noticed it gets a tad bit worse when I try to "diet" (oh how I loathe that word) like now. I have this totally weird almost OCD thing about going to bed. I just have this mental check list of things I need before I can even think of going to sleep. I have to use the bathroom one last time even if I just went 20 minutes before. Then must have a glass of cold water by the bedside (ha, that sounds stupid now). Then I have to check my phone alarm one last time even though I never change the time on it. Make sure to leave the door cracked so the cat can come and go as she pleases. Then after I lay down I grab the afore mentioned phone and play words with friends and read one of my many ebooks until I finally fall asleep. Its harder to sleep sometimes now because I am too lazy to wake up early and go to the gym before work so I go after. I get off work at 10pm so its usually 1030 to 11pm when I start my work out. This along with this late night urge to eat and snack even if I'm NOT hungry makes it nearly impossible for me to go to bed before 4am.
  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    I have it too but right now i am work got a night shift job and I always eat at the wrong times. smh.
  • I have great trouble sleeping too and prefer to stay up and keep my mind active on the computer than to go to bed and worry and think of depressing things. Im rarely in bed before 2 am and up again at 6.30am to do my hour long walk! If I didnt do it then, it wouldnt happen!