how much do you "rest" on your rest days?



  • jonbairam11

    okay sweet, well atm i am doing

    m : 45 minutes weights, 45 cardio .. plus an extra 2-3 hours in class and i try to give everything my 100%
    t : 45 minutes cardio and pilates
    w : 1 hour cardio
    t : 45 min weights, plus 2 hours of exercise classes plus 2 or so hours of prac
    f : 45 minutes cardio and pilates
    s : active rest day - walk, bike ride, etc
    s : 1 hour cardio, 45 minutes weights plus abs

    I would say a rest day on Saturdays is not a bad thing, you are pretty active all the week and to properly feel the benefits of all the training you need to rest your body. We are not designed to go hammer and tongs all the time Our bodies respond well to rest and to exercise. It is better to do less training and make it better quality than to train all the time for hours and hours in a second rate fashion. 1 hour of good quality training is enough on any training day. If you are training correctly. More than this can become counter productive. it is easy to stay in the gym for hours but half the time is spent chatting and the other half looking in the mirror (guys do this alot).

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    okay sweet, well atm i am doing

    m : 45 minutes weights, 45 cardio .. plus an extra 2-3 hours in class and i try to give everything my 100%
    t : 45 minutes cardio and pilates
    w : 1 hour cardio
    t : 45 min weights, plus 2 hours of exercise classes plus 2 or so hours of prac
    f : 45 minutes cardio and pilates
    s : active rest day - walk, bike ride, etc
    s : 1 hour cardio, 45 minutes weights plus abs

    I would say a rest day on Saturdays is not a bad thing, you are pretty active all the week and to properly feel the benefits of all the training you need to rest your body. We are not designed to go hammer and tongs all the time Our bodies respond well to rest and to exercise. It is better to do less training and make it better quality than to train all the time for hours and hours in a second rate fashion. 1 hour of good quality training is enough on any training day. If you are training correctly. More than this can become counter productive. it is easy to stay in the gym for hours but half the time is spent chatting and the other half looking in the mirror (guys do this alot).


    When I'm in the gym I train hard?
    and if you read it properly you would notice most days I have more than an hour training it is because I have to do it for school..
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    My rest days are gym days that just didn't work out.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I am an utter animal in the gym. I train 90 minutes to two hours when I train, so on my rest day, I rest like a lazy bum. Pajamas, movies, naps. I give my muscles optimal use of the calories I consume to repair and rebuild themselves without making them compete for the calories with activity.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I don't do anything!! I stay in bed and enjoy with no guilt!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I always take 1 rest day a week usually 2. I try to do nothing on those days minus taking care of kids, cleaning house and working full time so I don't think many people get a true rest day :laugh: if I'm feeling restless and need to do something it will be some very light cardio for only 30-40 minutes.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I listen to my body and take the cues - I might go for a nice long (or short) walk, do some deep breathing/meditating, soak in the tub, take a nap, read a book, watch a movie, do some housework, shop, call friends on the phone, drive up to the canyon for a short hike / nature walk - whatever feels right on the day in question.