Calories Burned Question

Should I take the calories off of the treadmill or what MFP says?

The equipment I use (Treadmill, Stairclimber, Elliptical) all allow me to plug in my current weight. I just tend to notice I big difference in what the equipment says I burned and what MFP says I should have burned.

I don't eat my "earned calories" so this is more for my info than anything.


  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Neither is going to be accurate, though I'm not sure which is the lesser of two evils. Your best bet is to invest in a HRM.
  • bwallner1971
    bwallner1971 Posts: 41 Member
    I had a fitbit and loved it, but it broke after 3 weeks. Waiting my replacement. I never logged any cardio just downloaded at the end of the day. Not sure what HRM is.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Best bet is to average out the two numbers
  • veobrien
    veobrien Posts: 39 Member
    For me, personally, I used to take half way between the two and I'd always eat back the lesser of the numbers.
  • Neither will be 100% accurate, however MFP hugely over-estimates calories burned so I would say use the gym machinery's prediction. An HRM is fine but can be pricey and not 100% accurate either.
  • I had a fitbit and loved it, but it broke after 3 weeks. Waiting my replacement. I never logged any cardio just downloaded at the end of the day. Not sure what HRM is.

    An HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor. It normally has a strap you strap to your chest which picks up your heart rate and it calculates your calories burned.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    If you don't have an HRM, then pick one and always use it.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Fitbit is okay for monitoring calories burned during exercise, but use the log in which is pretty accurate. I found that when I let fitbit calculate them for me, it wasn't accurate at all. I use an HRM watch which is a lot more accurate.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    I used different types of machines and I know that when i am sweating alot its 1000/hr
    When i am borderline sweating is 600-700/hr
    Over 1000/hr I dont think its healthy for the heart for me.

    I do HIIT 1minute as fast as i can, 3 minute rest (this proves to be the most fun and efficient excercise for me)
  • bwallner1971
    bwallner1971 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice! I don't eat my "earned" calories anyway so accuracy isn't absolutely critical and won't warrant me purchasing a HRM.

    The fitbit is good for me, because I have a "sit on my *kitten*" job and I found out exactly how much of my day was sitting. With the fitbit I challenge myself to more steps each day. (I know a 10 dollar pedometer would work, but I'm a gadget guy!)