Lose 5 lbs in March!!! YES WE CAN!



  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: Maryj2367/ Mary

    Goal weight on March: 31st (199) I want to lose 9 pounds

    3/01: sw 208 pounds
    3/05: 204 pounds (4 pound loss)
    3/12: 202 pounds (2 pound loss)
    3/19: 201 pounds (1 pound loss)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Mo_babee
    Mo_babee Posts: 80 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: mo_babee/ Monique

    Goal weight on March 31st : 196

    3/01: 202.5
    3/05: 198.9
    3/12: 198.4
    3/19: 196.4
  • LadyOmNom
    LadyOmNom Posts: 69 Member
    **THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: LadyOmNom

    Goal weight on March: 31st 140

    3/01: 145
    3/05: 146
    3/12: 146
    3/19: 143
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    I'd like to join again this month please :

    Name/ real name: amc2509/AnneMarie

    Goal weight on March: 31st 185lb

    3/01: 190lb
    3/05: 190.6lb :(
    3/12: 186.6lb :D
    3/19: 185.8lb

    Day late posting... hope that's ok, I was away yest and didn't get to check in
  • freckles0211
    freckles0211 Posts: 31 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: freckles0211/Michelle
    Goal weight on March 31st : 137 lbs

    3/01: 142.8
    3/05: 142.6
    3/12: 141.8
    3/19: 140.8
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I am in too!

    Name/ real name: Dawna (Dawna12)

    Goal weight on March: 31st - 182

    3/01: 187
    3/05: 185
    3/12: 184
    3/19: 184 (on vacation)
  • hannahjones08
    hannahjones08 Posts: 34 Member
    Hannah (hannahjones08)

    Goal weight on March: 31st 179.7 lbs (to loose 8lbs - 187.7 on 28/2/11)

    3/01: 187.3
    3/05: 186.8
    3/12: 185.7
    3/19: 184
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable
    Updated 3/12***

    Mel2626 / Melissa or just Mel

    Goal Weight on March 31st - 175

    3/01: 181.8
    3/05: 182.4 ...but back with a vengeance this week!!!
    3/12: 181.4 Okay not much but I REALLY want that scale to move this week!!! :wink:
    3/19: 180.2 Come on 170's!!! I'm so close I can taste you!!!! :-P
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: JGCooper/Jessica

    Goal weight on March 31st : 192

    3/01: 197.8
    3/05: 194 (I quit drinking diet soda this week and apparently dropped a lot of water weight--FINALLY!)
    3/12: 193
    3/19: 192
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member

    Name/ real name: nikkit321 - Nikki

    Goal weight on March 31: 153

    3/01: 157
    3/05: 155
    3/12: 153
    3/19: 150
    3/26: 149

    Congratulations on all the losses!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I am sorry for the delay on getting this updated. I have updated about half of the group and will finish the rest up tomorrow. I started coaching track this week and between that and my sub jobs I have been limited on time.

    Since it is late I will post a mini challenge for you guys. This is something that Bob Harper said last night on the biggest loser.

    Try doing
    20 lunges, 20 push ups and 20 jumping jacks for 3-5 sets
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I am sorry for the delay on getting this updated. I have updated about half of the group and will finish the rest up tomorrow. I started coaching track this week and between that and my sub jobs I have been limited on time.

    Since it is late I will post a mini challenge for you guys. This is something that Bob Harper said last night on the biggest loser.

    Try doing
    20 lunges, 20 push ups and 20 jumping jacks for 3-5 sets

    Thank you for doing the work that you do!!
  • mistylee0104
    mistylee0104 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to do this challenge for us :) I was going to message you when I didn't see my weight on the spreadsheet but glad I went and read your last post & I understand :)
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    My computer is out of commission for a few weeks.
    My weight on 3-19 was 188lbs
    My weight today is 184 so I will use that for 3-26 if that's ok. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to do this challenge for us :) I was going to message you when I didn't see my weight on the spreadsheet but glad I went and read your last post & I understand :)

    My mom made a surprise visit so I wasn't able to get caught up. She is leaving tomorrow so I will get caught up on Monday.
  • Avengertk
    Avengertk Posts: 102
    Name/ real name: avengertk/Tara

    Goal weight on March 30: 155lbs

    3/1: 160lbs
    3/8: 159lbs
    3/22: 155.8lbs
    3/26: 155.2lbs so bloomin close !!!!

    Please add me to Aprils loose 5lb thread in case I miss registering thank you hun!!!
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    Name/ real name: zclark13/Liz

    Goal weight on March: 31st: 205

    3/01: 210.8
    3/05: 208.4 Lots of cleaning this weekend and the weather is finally warm enough to get out and walk!
    3/12: 207.6 My son is in town this week so lots of cooking, but...I have not done lots of eating!!!! We also went to the zoo and walked for 3 hours so I guess I met the challenge!
    3/19: 206.8 Not a lot, but with all I was cooking last week I'm happy!
    3/26: 205 Yay!!!!! I made it! This coming week is spring break, so not a lot of structure and I'll be home where the food is, soooo, we'll see if I can keep this up!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable

    Name/ real name: Tonnina/Tonnina

    Goal weight on March 31st between 225 and 220 lbs

    3/01: 231.2
    3/05: 227.6 (I got really bad allergies a couple days ago and my throat has been SO SORE. To soothe it I've been downing hot tea with honey like it's no body's business. I was happy and not shocked to see such a drop in lbs after so much liquid was taken in.)
    3/12: 229.8 I'm retaining a TON of water from working my muscles out. If anyone has any tips on either preventing this or curing this PLEASE message me. I'm sad to see my 4lb loss go away just because I wanted to work on my strength training.
    3/19: 228.0 Not a huge loss... I'm getting sadder since the end of March is approaching and I'm no where near my goal... I am hating my body and my mind and myself.
    3/26: 230.0 (Checking in today because I'm going out of town tonight) Someone shoot me... or just shoot the fat off me. I'm so depressed I want to just quit trying anymore. Gained... again... my muscles hurt, so I'm retaining water, even though I'm drinking 14 to 18 cups of water each day. I'm no where near my goal of 225.... Just take me out back and shoot me now.
  • heathernz
    heathernz Posts: 68 Member
    Name/ real name: Heathernz / Heather

    Goal weight on March: 31st - 139

    3/01: 144.4
    3/05: 143.8
    3/12: 143.1 aiming for a bigger drop next week!! Been a little slack...
    3/19: 141.9
    3/26: 141

    Doing it primal :)
  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member

    Goal Weight on March 31st: 199lbs

    3/01: 205 lbs
    3/05: 205 lbs
    3/12: Didn't weight
    3/19: 201.6 lbs
    3/26: 199.5 lbs :noway: Almost there!