Diet and exercise tips from my Sister-in-Law, the fitness mo

christibam Posts: 478 Member
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So my Sister-in-Law is a professional body builder, fitness model and personal trainer. I asked for some guidance with what I've been doing because, I may have lost a lot of weight in less than three months, but I could be doing it more effectively. So I thought I'd share her wisdom. I'm just going to copy and paste some of the messages between us so you can see how I've learned as well. It also shows the questions I asked that she answered.

Hopefully this might help someone else too.

She asked what I was doing. Well, MFP, this is what I was doing lol

1,200-1,480 calories
Average of 33% protein, 27% fat, 40% carbs
About 500g of carbs throughout the week
0 trans fat, less than 40 grams of saturated fat each week
Eating 5 times a day but sometimes it's 6.


1 hour on stationary bike 2-3 times per week doing moderate intervals for 45 seconds then pushing it as hard as I can for 15 seconds... doing that the entire time, minus a 5 minute moderate warm up.

I started Couch to 5k this week so jogging 25 minutes 3x per week.

Suicide sprints with each line at 2, 5, 10 and 20 feet apart. 5 runs, 2-3 times per week

I guess they're called burpees? I go from standing, put my hands on the ground, hop my legs back to a push up stance, hop them back in then stand up. I do that 10-20 times after the sprints.

Calisthenics 4-5 times per week
push ups on a counter since I suck at regular push ups for now, 2 sets of 25.
Crunches with 5lb dumbbell going from behind my head with my arms straight out then to my knees going into the crunch, 2 sets of 25
Leg lifts, 1 set of 40 on each leg.
There's this thing that I'm going to try not to totally suck at explaining... I sit on the edge of a chair and lift my knees upward then bring them down.

All of that is 2 seconds to go down, 1 second to hold and 2 seconds to come back up.

Weights 4-6 times per week
5-10 lbs depending on wtf I'm doing
Bicep curls 1 set of 40
Bicep curls with my palm down instead of up 1 set of 25

Now I'm really going to suck at explaining the rest because I don't know the proper terms.

I hold the dumbbell behind my head and push up until my arms are extended above my head. 1 set of 25

Holding the dumbbell down by my waist and extending straight out to the side. 1 set of 25 on each arm
Same thing but extending in front 1 set of

Leg press 2 sets of 25 at 120lbs

Her response:

Ok so ultimately ur goal is to increase ur metabolism which is done by developing lean muscle and eating throughout the day... So u want to do weights 4 to 5 days a week aprox 45 min. Each day should be a diff focus for example mon tris and bis
Tues: shoulders/abs
Wed: legs. Ect
Between sets instead of just resting do the burpees (for example do 15 bicep curls, 10 burpees, 15 hammer curls, 10 burpees, 15 barbell curls, rest)
Your rep range should be 15 to 20... If u can do more than 15 and its not a struggle u need heavier weights

Should do 45-60 min of cardio 5_6 days a week... The best time to do it is either first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, or right after ur workout. Running is good but u want to make sure u switch it up... I'm not sure where u workout but the best piece of cardio equipment is the stepmill (its like revolving steps) it s the best for fat burning


Question: Would walking up and down stairs in the meantime be sort of the same as the stepmill if I can't get to the gym on Waters? Because we have stairs at home.


Yes sprint up the stairs walk down them... If ur going to join a gym the best time is the last 2 days of the month... U can get the best deal. Make sure u pay 0 enrollment and the most should be 1st and last month (the last days of the month u can usu get away with just 1st month)

The diet plan:

Sweet potatoe
Rice cakes
Ezikiel bread
Brown rice
Wild rice

Lowfat greek yogurt
Lowfat cottage cheese
Egg whites
Protein powder
Extra lean beef

Green beans
Green onions
Green peppers

Breakfast and lunch;
Pick one from each category

One protein and veggie category

Snacks are from protein category
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