EAS Lean 15

Do any of you ladies out there take this? I assume you use it as a meal replacement after workouts but do any of you see results from using it if you do?


  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Hi, I asked about it when I first saw the ad in one of my magazines and no one commented. However, once I found it at Target, I noticed that other people had already logged it into the system, so, that must mean that other people are using it.

    I'm not using it strictly as a "post-workout" meal. I was having stomach issues and decided I needed to amp my fruit intake that liquids sounded easier on me than salads. I make a shake with almond milk, the vanilla powder and then either one or a combination of strawberries, bananas or mangos. I absolutely love it. I also bought the chocolate powder and I mix that with a banana and almond milk.

    I found that I can get away with 1 scoop in my morning shake with the berries, banana and milk but the chocolate I really need 2 scoops to make it chocolaty.

    As far as results, I feel better and my stomach isn't revolting against me anymore. I did lose a few pounds the week that I stayed well within my calories, worked out and substituted the shakes for breakfast and lunch. (I'm still eating yogurt and other fruits and veggies as snacks plus a "real" dinner) I'm at the last 5lbs of my weight loss, so I don't have a ton to lose, so, it's hard for me to judge actual results and associate it to just one thing.