From Pinterest: What Celebrities Really Look LIke

This was really interesting, made me feel better - Photoshopped celebrities and models, revealing missing hands, feet, mismatched/elongated body parts, varying cup sizes and blatantly varying skin tones from shot to shot -

A reminder to all of us to work towards being and feeling healthy, but NOT looking like photoshopped people that don't exist in real life!

Every woman and teen girl - and for that matter, EVERYONE - should see this. :)


  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    beautiful - I love it~
  • Mom_4_More_Muscles
    Thank you so much for posting this link. I am so blessed with all my pieces and parts just the way they are today. . . imperfections and all. I'm working on being appreciative of just how REAL it is. I've fought the 'weight issue' most of my life...hating to look in the mirror at times.... Seeing the 'real' pictures helps me to realize I will NEVER get my body to do what a computer will do for a picture. The DOVE commercial has always been my favorite! Thank you again!!