In need of some tough love!



  • RNLeslie
    RNLeslie Posts: 150
    Hey guys, thank you so much for the "tough love!" Some things were grosser than I had in mind (and yes, Sonja, I feel like I look scarily close to the second icky pic too!), but all your advice was very useful! I still feel like crap from the antibiotic, but I am going to try and curb my misbehavior. After all, just because I feel sick doesn't mean that I have to deliberately eat poorly. And monday after my monster final nursing exam, I am going straight to the gym for several hours! No, I don't want to be whining for another week, I want to get back to feeling the way I have been, which is excited to finally be taking the weight off, and this time FOR GOOD! I'll never give up, it's just that I didn't expect my motivation to wane while I was still making good progress! In the mean time, I'm going to hit the Wii Fit in the a.m. or take a walk while I'm on a study break.

    Thanks fitness pals! You guys ROCK!!! \m/(>.<)\m/