Considering Gastric BANDING/Realize Band/Lap Band procedure.

Im considering having one of those procedures. Has any1 else here had it? Could you tell me about it in general? Like if you ever feel hungry, or if you are allergic to anything now you werent before? Please and thank you :)


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    My mom had it done and she can't eat certain foods she used to love anymore like corn, and chicken. For some reason it upsets her stomach and makes her sick. I know she get's full very fast, and isn't often hungry. I don't think she became allergic to anything. She tried to lose the weight herself but couldn't do it so she turned to Gastric Bypass. I say try to lose it on here through motivation and workouts and eating healthier, and then decide. You can do it!!

    Edit: When I said she couldn't lose weight, it wasn't because she wasn't trying, she just couldn't shed any pounds, I'm not sure if it was because of her metabolism or what.
  • brookenotme
    My sister had lapband a few years ago and she lost a lot of weight. Overall I think she is happy with it. She does vomit, isn't able to eat a lot of vegetables or fruits, think it's a texture issue, she can't eat rice, pastas, etc. because it fills her and her diet is mostly protein. If you ask her, she would recommend it, she feels there's nothing worse than being obese and for her it may have been the right choice.

    If you ask me we can work out and eat moderately and can get the same place those who have surgery reach it will just take longer.
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    I was banded in July of this year and I'm done almost 90 pounds. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. You can add me as a friend or send me a private message if you'd like.
  • kazzy33
    kazzy33 Posts: 2
    I was banded in October 2010 and have lost 154 pounds... For me it was definitely the choice i needed to make, and it has worked well for me