


  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I'm having a REALLY hard time cutting out the soda, what can I drink instead that will still give me caffeine, but not all the sugar

    I am doing 5-Hour-Energy. It's not THE BEST for you, but it has prevented headaches for me for a while there. It's not the worst thing on the planet but it helps kick the habit a little :)
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    LOL - love your response.
    Diet pepsi addict.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I like the Mio energy. It comes in a few diff flavors. It gives you a boost but no jitters. Helps ya get your water in for the day as well.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    Cancer takes a long time to kill you.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I used to be a soda addict (diet sodas).

    I had soda with Breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner.

    One of the big changes for me was getting out of that habit.

    Now I drink a cup of hot tea with breakfast, iced tea with lunch and sometimes with dinner and 1 - 2 cups of skim milk at one of the meals each day.

    Other than that, it's water.

    I sweeten my tea with either real sugar (a packet of sugar is only 10-15 calories) or stevia - no aspartame, sucralose or other sweetener for me now.

    I never thought this change would take hold, but it has. I feel so much better because of all the food changes, but I think this one has had a significant impact just by itself.

    It's hard to believe, but it probably is just a habit and like any habit, it can be broken.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I have used green tea as a day to day substitute and I will get an S. Pellegrino every once in a while for the fizz.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    <this made me smile>
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    <this made me smile>


    I drink Diet Dew every single day and I agree with the above!
  • imcsqrd
    I feel your pain!! Was drinking diet soda to at least cut out the calories but didn't want the chemical sweetners anymore. Found a natural soda called Zevia that is sweetened with Stevia, a natural, no calorie sweetner. They do taste different than regular diet sodas, but I like them. They have an assortment of flavors - Cola, Orange, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Lemon/Lime, Cream Soda, Black Cherry, Dr. Zevia (not very close to Dr. Pepper but still good), and some others. So far, I've liked all that I've tried and it allows me my soda w/caffeine w/o the chemicals. Not sure where you are, but in CA I've found them in health food stores and an occasional Albertson's grocery store.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    Exactly, same thing here. I have a can of Diet Coke in the morning and maybe some with lunch. Outside of that I drink water. Diet Coke hasn't killed me yet.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, and I'm a) losing weight and b) not dead.

    Cancer takes a long time to kill you.

    Two totally different things! Who says diet pop causes cancer?

    The studies out there on diet pop haven't proven anything really. Just because rats eat more after drinking it doesn't mean humans will.

    I drink diet pop everyday almost. It's not that bad for you.

    For the poster who mentioned don't drink pop because of the sodium, depending on the type and brand a can of diet pop has between 20-40 mg of sodium... not a whole lot.
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    I cut out soda entirely about ..... I dunno 3-4 weeks ago due to cost reasons (water is cheap, soda is not). I drink a lot of tea now, since I drink well water and it tastes weird just out of the pump. Sweet tea will help with the craving for sweet drinks, and give you some caffeine. If you want to buy diet tea mix, that's good too.

    Also, if you drink less soda the ones you have will taste better. I picked up a diet dew the other day (I had to be at work early and I don't process coffee well) and it tasted better for my not having drank any for a few weeks.
  • mom22yorkies
    i kicked the soda/caffeine habit by switching to flavored sparkling water. Walmart carries many great flavors. It does use artificial sweeteners, but after a while, I have been able to even give these up for just water with lemon.... sometimes baby steps can get you to the goal line. :)
  • erinw1011
    erinw1011 Posts: 86 Member
    Lo carb Monster, only 20 calories.
  • Alonnea
    Alonnea Posts: 70 Member
    Have you tried the Absolute Zero Monsters? No calories and they taste almost just like the lo carb ones!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Probably not the best for your body, but I do love some Sugar-Free Red Bull (8oz - 10 cals). It's expensive though, so I usually stick with a cup of black coffee which is free at my office. For me, coffee is like beer... don't like the taste but I do enjoy the effects! :drinker: