unsure whats right

okay so still getting into the swing of things at the gym and i did 70 mins on the treadmil now heres my question or problem ..

I have a HRM that works with my iphone (Go Tality) that plugs into the phone and clips to your ear and takes your heart rate. It was within 1 to 3 beats of what the treadmil says my heart rate was (on avg I was between 130 and 160 fast walking with some sprints to get my hreat rate up some) .... This device said that I burnt 1067kcals

Now I input the same info as close as I could on MFP and it said I burnt 528 cals

I got a fitbit as a gift and it said I took 6886 steps and burnt 568 cals

so which one do I base my logs on

Go Tality HRM = 1067kcals
MFP = 528 cals
Fitbit = 568

Either way I'm happy its not going to change how much I eat today as this was to burn some calories and get my blood flowing for the rest of the day but I'd love to know which one is the best to follow for my logs.

Norman aka Nammer79
Feel free to add me as a friend


  • seekingstrengthX2
    There is no way you would burn 1067 calories unles it was all running. The MFP and Fitbit # sounds much more on target, from my experience. I would always go with the lower # if I were you. That way you are sure not to end up 500 calores over. That would suck, eh? :)
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    It depends, I cant see what your age/weight is but if you ran the full 70min - Its possible that the 1067 is correct. I personally burn an average of about 100 cals every 10 mins when my HR is above 145. Its pretty consistent weather its running, spin class, body pump or whatever.
  • Tami302
    i just go off of the machine and i too burn around 100 cal every 10 mins of HR 150+
  • Mrsnuffdog
    If you want the correct figure I would buy a good HRM. The calories you burn doing an exersice will get less the fitter you get. Your resting heart rate will decrease and your max heart rate will increase as your heart gets stronger. The machines in the gym dont take your personal fittness in to account.
    If I run 30 mins at 12kph I now burm 350 cals when I started that used to be over 450 cals.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks for your replys guys your a great help
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I have a baseline in my head that I use to compare my calorie burn from different sources. For me, I estimate around 10 cal/s minute for running and 4-5 cals/minute for walking.
    If I'm running faster than usual or doing another activity that feels as though I'm working as much as I do when I run, then 700 cals in 70 mins would be around the ball park for me.
    If I'm walking or doing something else I tend to estimate up or down compared to walking - so for walk/run intervals for 70 mins I'd guess about 500 for me. I'm female, 5'4" and 155 pounds - your stats are bound to vary.

    Another useful guide that I've read is around 100 cals per mile regardless of speed. So, have a look at how far you walk/ran in 70 mins and that will give you another baseline to compare to.

    At the end of the day, every single food or exercise we enter is an estimate, it just takes a bit of time to work out what is right for you.
    Good luck!