Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred....does it really provide res

alright. so i've been doing the 30 day shred for almost 2 weeks in a row so far...and I dont feel any results!
My hips are still huge, and so is my gut. I am still on level one..i've tried level two, and the first thing she has you doing...well...i just cant do.
i dont feel like I'm addressing the problem areas, and P90X and that other crazy stuff is not for me.
I am 258 right now and should be around 175. I am 5'8. I have alot of weight on me.

are there other dvds out there that i can benefit from? where i feel like i'm getting the work out...and seeing results?

or am I just trying to get in shape to fast, and that's not how it works


  • Sackit
    Sackit Posts: 45 Member
    I have never tried the JM 30 day Shred, I do believe 2 weeks is rushing results. The goal is to become lean and stay that way so, as I have read many times slow and steady wins the race. Feeling results, seeing results, and what the scale reads are very different.
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    Have you adjusted your diet too? If your calorie intake is still high it wont have too much effect. Also have you moved up to the more difficult version of level 1?
  • kaydensmom12
    I think that you may be trying to get results too fast. The program is not going to automatically vanish your gut and make your lose 30lbs. If you can't do the first two exercises, then keep trying on them or at least PUSH yourself doing another exercise. You have to workout the entire time. I did not lose any weight on 30ds but lost a ton of inches (2.5 on my waist at the largest part, 2.25 in from my natural waist, 2.5 from my hips, 1.75 from my chest, 1.25 from my thighs, 1.25 from my calfs and .5 from my neck) their on my profile pic. Make sure you are measuring yourself, pushing yourself, sticking to your calorie deficit and giving it time.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Yeah do not buy into the "big results fast" thing. Do it because you enjoy the exercises and want to challenge yourself. Nothing is going to make it just melt off. Gauge your results by increased endurance or flexibility or just ability to do them at all.