Lost All Motivation...Don't Know What To Do

Over the last 3 or 4 days I seem to have lost all sense of motivation I had before. My diet has been awful and it culminated in what was easily the most self destructive "diet" day I've ever had. Period.

It's really bothering me and I don't know what to do. Who's been through this and how did you overcome it?

I'm sure the reason is because I've gone over 2 weeks with barely losing anything...and I know what I've been doing wrong and I can fix it so its not like I'm just confused or lost. I just feel like I've wasted my time. I'm almost starting to resent my own progress.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's hard to stay motivated, particularly this time of year! You have to figure out what you want and why you want it for yourself. Without knowing where you are going, it's going to be hard to get there. Sounds like you need to take some time to refocus and to find your way.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Here's the trick. Forget about your motivation. It's waiting 6 minutes into your workout anyway.

    There's a reason that 'just do it' is the best and longest lasting mantra out there.

    Pretend you are a zombie.
    Put on shoes.
    Stand up.
    Mindlessly go do your workout.

    Tell your brain to butt the hell out of your body's business for five freaking minutes.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    forgive yourself.

    everybody falls at one time or another.

    just decide if you want to be someone who gets back up, and keeps going, because you totally CAN do this <hello, 16 lbs down ticker of yours!> - or if you want to be someone who gives up and just lays there...no real harm in the latter, so long as you can accept and love yourself. that's the most important part. loving yourself.

    <i think you did the right thing though - you posted a msg here about it - says to me you will prolly get back up...look! you're halfway there already!>
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    ...and also the zombie thing could work, too.

    good call, lady!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Look at how far you've come. I've had 3 weeks of the scale not moving at all. But I try and stay focused on the big picture not the little ones. So what if the scale doesnt move. It OK. Stay accountable and shake it off. Whats done is done, let it go and remember why your here.
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    While it is hard to stay motivated when you aren't losing weight, don't give up on yourself. The progress you made is still a success. Maybe you should start measuring yourself. Sometimes progress is measured in inches lost rather than pounds lost.
  • DMVFinest
    Oh wow -- i've been there, we all have. Take a zumba class and that will take your motivation over the top. Plus you'll sweat more and tone up and loose inches in the process and you see results quickly. Don't stop get-it get-it!!!
  • abvickrey
    abvickrey Posts: 76 Member
    So... you need some motivation?

    "Why I Want To Get In Shape:
    I'm tired of feeling like crap. I'm tired of not feeling good about the way I look. I don't like being out of breath within 30 seconds of playing with my son. I don't like laying down at night and feeling weight on my chest. I don't like the helpless feeling I get when I realize this has been beating me down for nearly 15 years.

    My Inspirations:
    Playing with my son.
    Looking better.
    Feeling better.
    Changing my life."

    Hope this helps... we're all in this together! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    Been there. Gotta tell yourself that you don't care what the scale says. You know that eating right and exercising is good for your body so just keep at it. Do a little better tomorrow and then a little bit better the next, etc. until you are back on track. Give yourself a break from the scale until you've been on track for 2 weeks. Good luck!
  • DMVFinest
    Also, you may want to try shifting the focus of your workout. Of course, we all work out hoping to shed unwanted lbs., but if we shift our focus to making a lifestyle change for the new "healthy us" -- its far more rewarding, you feel better, and it will show. Get rid of the scale --scales are depressing anyway. Judge your weightloss by the close you wear, and if you don't see a difference --keep doing it. #UCanDoIT
  • bioniclemonade
    Don't give up! You've come so far already. I agree with the zombie thing - I go to bed wearing my workout clothes (i've been extremely unmotivated in the past) in order to get rid of my 'excuses'. I'm already ready to exercise when I get up so I might as well. Just put on my shoes and go. Also, think about how great I'm going to feel when I'm even half way done with my workout. I also try not to weigh myself every day (it's hard, I know) cause weight can fluctuate even during the day. I only officially write down my weight once a month. I've noticed little things that are not tied to the scale too - like I can go up three flights of stairs without being winded, and I'm getting a little bicep that my little boys like to squeeze! Whatever you do, don't give up! My kids and I like to repeat something we heard on the show Wipeout (of all places) - 'Never give up! Never surrender!'
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    This is a fight, for your self and your life.. It wont be easy, nothing worth it ever is.
    So you had a bad eating day or two.
    Just let it go and move on.
    Start fresh.
    You said you know what it it and how to change it all ready..
    Are you just looking for fellow MFP to kick your butt?
    The 'zombie' lady has it..
    JUST DO IT!!
    Forgive yourself and move on.. we all have bad days..
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I've gone 2 1/2 months where I didn't lose anything. Sure I wanted to quit but I reminded myself how far I came and no longer have diabetes. To me I am not in a race to lose. I'll get there when I get there. For me it's more about the healthy lifestyle I now lead. The number on the scale is the least of my concerns.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    The past few months when my alarm goes off in the morning ti's that pictures of picture of Brittney Spears with the words "If she can make it through 2007 you can make it through today". Sure its a joke but I see it and it sparks that thing in the back of my head that goes "MOVE!"

    Good luck! Everyone struggles with motivation, you can do it!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Since when do you need motivation to eat properly & exercise? I'm not motivated to go to work everyday but I manage to get it done, I would guess you find a way to get other required tasks done too. If you don't make it optional, it won't be.

    And please don't tell me you're discouraged about a few measly weeks without a loss. I hit my all-time low over 3 months ago but I'm still working on getting back there. Am I frustrated & discouraged? No. Why? Because I am kicking *kitten* in the gym, & am now only a couple of lbs away because I've successfully been chipping away at my holiday gain. Weight loss isn't the only benefit of exercise. Feeling awesome is the biggest one.

    Are you gonna do this or not? If not, you have no one to answer to but yourself. Can you live with yourself knowing you haven't done everything you possibly could to stick it out & make this happen?
  • TimN1974
    I just think about the family / friends I have lost along the way due to overweight related health issues. And don't want my family to be thinking about me like that in just a few short years.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Since when do you need motivation to eat properly & exercise? I'm not motivated to go to work everyday but I manage to get it done, I would guess you find a way to get other required tasks done too. If you don't make it optional, it won't be.

    And please don't tell me you're discouraged about a few measly weeks without a loss. I hit my all-time low over 3 months ago but I'm still working on getting back there. Am I frustrated & discouraged? No. Why? Because I am kicking *kitten* in the gym, & am now only a couple of lbs away because I've successfully been chipping away at my holiday gain. Weight loss isn't the only benefit of exercise. Feeling awesome is the biggest one.

    Are you gonna do this or not? If not, you have no one to answer to but yourself. Can you live with yourself knowing you haven't done everything you possibly could to stick it out & make this happen?

    So what you're saying is you haven't ever felt discouraged? K....

    And you're right...I do get up and go to work every day...I also come home and exercise right on schedule. The eating right thing however is a bit trickier especially with my current situation. As far as whether or not I can live with myself knowing I haven't done everything possible...I have for 26 years...so yes. I just don't want to :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I like to make self-righteous trips to the grocery store. I fill up my cart with all the most beautiful healthy foods I can possibly find, throw in a little thingie of ben and jerrys and then take a picture of all of it on the checkout counter. Then I think of it as proof of a win.

    then I judge the carts behind me while I wait BWAHAHAHAHAHA
    (with poker face of course)

  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    Fake it until you make it. Just keep at it and soon enough you will be right on track. Good Luck!
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    So... you need some motivation?

    "Why I Want To Get In Shape:
    I'm tired of feeling like crap. I'm tired of not feeling good about the way I look. I don't like being out of breath within 30 seconds of playing with my son. I don't like laying down at night and feeling weight on my chest. I don't like the helpless feeling I get when I realize this has been beating me down for nearly 15 years.

    My Inspirations:
    Playing with my son.
    Looking better.
    Feeling better.
    Changing my life."

    Hope this helps... we're all in this together! YOU CAN DO IT!

    This is on point - remember what you said when you joined MFP, post it in your car, your house, write it on your arm, etc :) Keep your goal within sight and you will achieve it. Be forgiving but hard on yourself at the same time. I'm sure you are successful as a banker, apply the same drive to your health and wellness as you do to your career. Best of luck.