Not losing - due to weekends?

I've been trying to eat healthy for about a month or so now, and I haven't lost any weight. My ticker says I've lost 3 lbs, but I believe that is only because I bought my own scale and started weighing in the mornings instead of later in the day. I try very hard to stay under my calorie goal every day, but then I take it easier on the weekends.

My weekend diary days are not correct, some days I don't log at all, other days I will log half the day and then slack off. Basically know that I generally go over my calorie goal on weekends. I'm trying to make it only 1 day per week but I'm having difficulties. It's easy for me during the week because I have a routine, but on the weekends I don't really have a routine.

Is it going over the calorie goal on weekends that is sabotaging any chance I have for weight loss? What other reasons could there be for why I'm not losing any weight? When I step on the scale each Tuesday and see no improvement, it is really disappointing and makes me want to just give up.

Thanks in advance for any advice/help!


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    make a routine for the weekend. even if it has alot of free time. the only reason you will gain weight (except for normal fluctuations day to day) is if you are in a caloric surplus. a minimum, start logging all the weekend food and see if you are over eating.
  • zandersmom91
    I do the exact same things. I'm 20, and i'm in a fast paced, 5day a week nursing program, so it takes alot of willpower for me not to grab a snickers and coke every few hours when hunger hits. I stay within my calorie goal all week and do great, and sometime can lose up to three pounds a week, then.... the weekend rolls around and I eat whatever I can find while studying, or eat snacks with my 18month old, and back the weight comes! So I've gotten strict on myself and made a menu for the weekends, something that I can look forward to and not overeat, or eat junk. And it's easier! Even if I go out, I check the calories for those items ahead of time. It really helps:)
  • lapointemarie
    When I started logging weekends, I noticed I was over-eating as well. I am exposing myself to too many meals/snacks I can't control as much. I find it less expensive & less tempting if I eat at home & prepare my own meals & snacks from scratch or take a quick shake with me.
  • LovahLaura
    I do the exact same things you do girl. I haven't lost any weight! In fact, I've gained a few pounds. :( I'm really unhappy about my weight and I don't even eat that much. So I don't understand the problem! If you figure out how to fix this issue, let me know.

    <--- Struggling too :frown:
  • margerator
    Be consistent with logging the foods that you eat, and your diary will give you the feed back that you need. Drink water too so that it will flush out your system of waste and toxins!
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    This will absolutely sabotage all your efforts. You can easily eat way over your calories on the weekends, undoing all the hardwork you have done during the week. Just take a weekend and don't change anything, just track what you actually eat. You may be suprised at how much you are consuming.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Not losing - due to weekends?

    YES! At least this is what I have decided is my problem. I do so well all week long. I had two bad weekends in a row and the scale went up. I am really going to try and stay within my calorie goal during the weekends now. I still want to enjoy a nice meal with my husband, I may just need to plan it out better.
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    I eat more at weekends but also exercise more too.

    This might be cheating, but if I get up late, I have biggish breakfast, snack in afternoon, and then decent dinner.
    Feels like a more relaxed day, though with no more calories.

    Usually go for 3 or 4 mile walk. Might have to do that twice at weekend, if am really naughty. Am not that fit, have built up to that from about 1 mile walk three times a week. Personally cant lose weight without exercise, as metabolism is slow due to underactive thyroid.

    I ve been warned though that, once body finds exercise easy you have to up the anti to see results.

    The main thing is dont give up. You might also be experiencing a 'waiting period' which can happen with weight loss. I think the body fights to hold onto weight, and it takes great effort and determination to beat it into submission, before it adjusts and allows you to shed weight.

    If you can stay with it and not give in, you might see the pounds reduce
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I used to go out to eat every Friday/Saturday and plateaued for several months. I stopped it, and kept losing.
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you everybody for all the help! I think you are all right. I need to try to do better on the weekends, or I need to at least log what I'm eating on the weekends to see how much I really am sabotaging my efforts! I had it in my head that one or two days couldn't really ruin my entire deficit but I don't know what else could be the problem at this point. I really appreciate all of your input, thank you!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    My weekend diary days are not correct, some days I don't log at all, other days I will log half the day and then slack off. Basically know that I generally go over my calorie goal on weekends. I'm trying to make it only 1 day per week but I'm having difficulties. It's easy for me during the week because I have a routine, but on the weekends I don't really have a routine.

    You have already answered your own question...

    If you want to lose weight, you can't just Choose to. You have to ACT upon those choices to see Success. Living a healthy lifestyle means doing it regularly. Not every day...regularly. One day doesn't kill you...but as Forrest Gump said "Stupid is, as stupid does". Repeat the error and you learn nothing, thus your post.

    Note: I am not calling you stupid, just using a blunt statement to gain realization for which you need.
  • enginerd81
    I would log a few weekend days to see where you really stand with calorie overages. Everybody is allowed a cheat day but it still has be within reason.

    On mine I usually do a bunch of cardio to bank some extra calories then go over by 500-700 (over my weight loss goal) - which puts me at 200 over BMR.
  • ericfox11
    Weekends have killed me my whole life. Now that i am continuing to eat good and workout on weekends I am seeing great results.

    I am doing the paleo diet and it is working very well for me.