Basketball: What do you pick?

I tend to play basketball for a lot of my cardio. I don't really have a good idea of what a good, pickup, full court, 5-on-5 game amounts to in terms of calories. I try to enter it as "Basketball, game" since I run pretty hard.. but I was curious if anyone else ran into this question and how you went with it.


  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    I do the same as you and enter it as "basketball, game"
  • dewaynechapman
    dewaynechapman Posts: 14 Member
    I wondered the same thing and the ones in MFP are way off. I wore my HRM last week when I played to see how many calories I burned and we played 2 on 2 for about 40-45 minutes and my HRM showed that I burned over 600 calories. I love to play basketball and it was a fun way for me to burn lots of calories. I have the Polar Ft7 HRM with the chest strap. Plan on wearing it again this evening when I play. Hope that helps some.
  • celtsguy81
    celtsguy81 Posts: 37 Member
    I know my girlfriend always talks up heart rate monitors, but I've never looked into one myself. When you say it was way off do you mean that MFP was giving a lower number than actual, or a higher number?

    If it is a lower number, I'm ok with that (will be a nice surprise if I lose more weight than expected). If MFP is overestimating calories burned I'll really need to look into these HRMs more.
  • dewaynechapman
    dewaynechapman Posts: 14 Member
    MFP was showing lower by a couple hundred calories.

    Of course 5 on 5 may be different. I haven't played full court with my HRM but with 2 on 2 I am moving constantly.