Ab Exercises When You Have a Bruised Tail Bone

I've been doing the Insanity videos for a few weeks now and I'm having the toughest time with the Ab Cardio DVD b/c I have a bruised tailbone that KILLS me to sit on in the "curved c" position, which is how they do all the ab exercises in Insanity. I bruised my tailbone terribly several years ago and my doctor told me that it would always bother me and that exercising causes the scar tissue and inflammation to be worse... does anyone have any suggestions on a type of pillow or something similar I can use when doing abdominal crunches that will help?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Oooh! I fell on my tailbone years ago ..... ouch! Look at yoga "equipment" for a bolster, wedge, or pillow. I'm not sure what would be best.

    Other ab exercise ideas: Planks or standing crunches (hands behind your head .... lift 1 knee to your elbow) .....OK you can't really lift it that high, but that's the idea.

    Crunches on a stability ball?