The future of our nation...........
Posts: 274 Member in serious jeopardy.
Seen on a 9th Grader's Facebook status update.......makes me cringe!
1. English: We Speak It - Maybe so, but you don't do it well (I should know, I've corrected papers you have written). In fact the majority of "English Speaking" Americans can't speak or write correctly in the ONE language they do know. Compare that to Europeans who often speak and read several different languages in addition to their native tongue and it's somewhat sad.
2. History: They're dead get over it - Many things could be said about this comment but I'll simply leave you with this. Ever heard of "Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it"? Not sure about you all but there are some pretty dark days in history I'd rather not relive.
3. Math: 1+1=2 - Very good, unfortunately with those kinds of math skills, the programmer writing code to create apps for your ipod touch (which you frequently try to sneak out in my class) would be hopelessly lost. Hope you don't mind going back to the stone age of technology 'Ms. 1+1=2'.
4. Spanish: We Have Dora - Sure, she's great for basics but I don't know many intelligent conversations that ONLY involve naming basic colors, shapes, and basic verbal commands like "jump" or "up". Try again.
And no, it's not fitness or weight loss related (unless you count "mental fitness") but that's what chit chat is for
Seen on a 9th Grader's Facebook status update.......makes me cringe!
SCHOOL IS POINTLESS... English: We Speak It, History: They're dead get over it, Math: 1+1=2..Beyonce taught us that.. Spanish: We Have Dora.:)
1. English: We Speak It - Maybe so, but you don't do it well (I should know, I've corrected papers you have written). In fact the majority of "English Speaking" Americans can't speak or write correctly in the ONE language they do know. Compare that to Europeans who often speak and read several different languages in addition to their native tongue and it's somewhat sad.
2. History: They're dead get over it - Many things could be said about this comment but I'll simply leave you with this. Ever heard of "Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it"? Not sure about you all but there are some pretty dark days in history I'd rather not relive.
3. Math: 1+1=2 - Very good, unfortunately with those kinds of math skills, the programmer writing code to create apps for your ipod touch (which you frequently try to sneak out in my class) would be hopelessly lost. Hope you don't mind going back to the stone age of technology 'Ms. 1+1=2'.
4. Spanish: We Have Dora - Sure, she's great for basics but I don't know many intelligent conversations that ONLY involve naming basic colors, shapes, and basic verbal commands like "jump" or "up". Try again.
And no, it's not fitness or weight loss related (unless you count "mental fitness") but that's what chit chat is for
Right, because we didn't think that way when we were in 9th grade. It's totally a new attitude.0
Replace Spanish with French and it's the same up here in Canada.0
SCHOOL IS POINTLESS... English: We Speak It, History: They're dead get over it, Math: 1+1=2..Beyonce taught us that.. Spanish: We Have Dora.:)
Lol... At least this kid has a personality?! Maybe even a bit quick witted?! Thank god FB isn't really that serious.....0 -
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).0
I think SOME of the things they teach in school are completely useless. I know algebra is supposed to sharpen your analyzing/cognitive thinking skills, but then again I'm a student and shoving formulas and long numbers down our throats doesn't help. I have a very deep hatred of math, I think most people only use basic math on a daily basis anyway.
I could write a whole novel about some of the subjects taught at schools, but I think I'll stop here.0 -
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).
My 73 yr old Dad still talks about how he hated school. It was hard for him. The only reason he worked as hard as he did was so he could play football. It makes sense to me that if school is hard, boring and/or you get bullied or teased, you might hate it.0 -
No, I fully agree that all subjects are important...I do NOT however, agree with how they are taught. But yes, I do agree English, Math, Science and History are vital subjects that need to be taught properly.0
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).
So... you're his teacher and his friend on fb or am I assuming here?0 -
Heh as a junior in college I can say that I probably will forget all the history I learned up until college, will never be able to speak or understand Spanish, and rarely use math in my major. *whew* xD0
I think it was a joke, like something from a meme or pinterest.0
Heh as a junior in college I can say that I probably will forget all the history I learned up until college, will never be able to speak or understand Spanish, and rarely use math in my major. *whew* xD
Exactly! People usually forget most of what they learned anyway, so it was a waste of time.0 -
Heh as a junior in college I can say that I probably will forget all the history I learned up until college, will never be able to speak or understand Spanish, and rarely use math in my major. *whew* xD
Exactly! People usually forget most of what they learned anyway, so it was a waste of time.
Eh I needed all of that to get into college though (4.0 in high school) but have no need for it any more.0 -
[img][/img]:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:0
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).
So... you're his teacher and his friend on fb or am I assuming here?
Nope. Not a friend on facebook. I only friend former students and even they get to see a limited profile. Just so happens one of those former students commented on her post about how sorry she'll be that she didn't pay more attention to some of those things0 -
Chemistry though!!! Goodness tell them to pay attention to that. And mitosis/meiosis. Have been learning that every semester the first 2 years :P0
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).
So... you're his teacher and his friend on fb or am I assuming here?
Nope. Not a friend on facebook. I only friend former students and even they get to see a limited profile. Just so happens one of those former students commented on her post about how sorry she'll be that she didn't pay more attention to some of those things
Oh, whew! LoL0 -
I think SOME of the things they teach in school are completely useless. I know algebra is supposed to sharpen your analyzing/cognitive thinking skills, but then again I'm a student and shoving formulas and long numbers down our throats doesn't help. I have a very deep hatred of math, I think most people only use basic math on a daily basis anyway.
I could write a whole novel about some of the subjects taught at schools, but I think I'll stop here.
My step-son came home with this expensive fancy wireless router and said, "Look, it has 6000 square foot range!" I looked at him and said, "That doesn't mean 6000 feet away. Remember that it will transmit in all directions, so we are talking about the area of a circle. If you recall, Area equals PI times the radius squared. So, 6000 = 3.14(R^2) Now solve for R. He looked at me funny, so I solved for R for him. The range was about 45 feet from the router.
So instead of thinking he had a faulty router, he realized he had been suckered by the marketing.
I've also used trigonometry in my every day life too. And literature. And science. :bigsmile:
There's nothing wrong with being well rounded.0 -
Trig? nice!
I use a ton of science daily. I am a dietetics major and whew love science0 -
And for the record. I HATED math, but am grateful every day of my adult life for having been required to learn at least the basics.0
Sure, lots of 9th graders don't love school. Sadly, this kid was entirely serious (Remember, I know and teach them).
So... you're his teacher and his friend on fb or am I assuming here?0 -
I think SOME of the things they teach in school are completely useless. I know algebra is supposed to sharpen your analyzing/cognitive thinking skills, but then again I'm a student and shoving formulas and long numbers down our throats doesn't help. I have a very deep hatred of math, I think most people only use basic math on a daily basis anyway.
I could write a whole novel about some of the subjects taught at schools, but I think I'll stop here.
My step-son came home with this expensive fancy wireless router and said, "Look, it has 6000 square foot range!" I looked at him and said, "That doesn't mean 6000 feet away. Remember that it will transmit in all directions, so we are talking about the area of a circle. If you recall, Area equals PI times the radius squared. So, 6000 = 3.14(R^2) Now solve for R. He looked at me funny, so I solved for R for him. The range was about 45 feet from the router.
So instead of thinking he had a faulty router, he realized he had been suckered by the marketing.
I've also used trigonometry in my every day life too. And literature. And science. :bigsmile:
There's nothing wrong with being well rounded.
If there's anything I ever need to know/remember, Google's there for a reason. I know it's not ALWAYS the answer, but my brain would never remember all that unnecessary info.
Good for you that you're well rounded, and I see what you mean, but for MY life I don't think I'll need to know anything more than the basics. Trying to teach me and 99% of teens/kids out there anything more than the basics for math and some other subjects is a waste of everyone's time.
Those classes should be changed for money management classes or something to prepare kids for things they'll actually need to know.0 -
If there's anything I ever need to know/remember, Google's there for a reason.
As a teacher, this comment made me :sick: and :sad:0 -
This status has been going around on facebook for atleast four years. This student did not make it up, they just re-posted it.0
In my opinion, school isn't about retaining all of the information. It's about learning how to learn. Learning to become resourceful and be able to problem solve. Gaining a general understanding of all topics so that you are a more productive part of society. It makes me sick how many people I work with who can't figure stuff out for themselves (for god sakes just google it!). I'm sure those are the people who thought school was "pointless". Goes back to Pareto's Principle... 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I agree with the original poster, it is sad what our nation is coming to. It seems like so many more kids are entitled little snots. Parents stop babying your children and stop giving your kids trophies for coming in last!!0
The sentiment of any knowledge being "unnecessary" , makes me die a little inside. Since when did people stop thriving to acquire any knowledge they could, just for the sake of being a more intelligent being? I personally blame it on NCLB, thank God I was out of school before that abomination came along and ruined the minds of students.
I never will understand the type of person who is complacent in knowing knowing the bare minimum in life. You only get this once, and to waste it on this lazy ideal that since you will never use it, why ever learn it, is a shame...0 -
How did NCLB harm schools? Finally they had to deliver the goods. Teacher unions hate it because they got real comfy keeping their jobs even though kids couldn't read, and they sure didn't want to be accountable for results. I'm a teacher, and I'm a huge fan of the benefits reaped by all the schools I have worked at/my children attended since NCLB was implemented.0
The sentiment of any knowledge being "unnecessary" , makes me die a little inside. Since when did people stop thriving to acquire any knowledge they could, just for the sake of being a more intelligent being? I personally blame it on NCLB, thank God I was out of school before that abomination came along and ruined the minds of students.
I never will understand the type of person who is complacent in knowing knowing the bare minimum in life. You only get this once, and to waste it on this lazy ideal that since you will never use it, why ever learn it, is a shame...
I agree with your comment about No Child Left Behind. Sigh. In our community, they also stopped giving out "My child is on the honor roll" bumper stickers because they felt it wasn't fair to the kids who didn't make honor roll. Seriously?!0 -
How did NCLB harm schools? Finally they had to deliver the goods. Teacher unions hate it because they got real comfy keeping their jobs even though kids couldn't read, and they sure didn't want to be accountable for results. I'm a teacher, and I'm a huge fan of the benefits reaped by all the schools I have worked at/my children attended since NCLB was implemented.
Because it teaches children to test instead of how to learn... I am in college with kids much younger, and the effects are there. They act like the DESERVE to be in college, and they are just a steady stream of sheep with no concept of how to think for themselves. Deliver what goods? A "standardized" test score? So you are saying that every child is the exact same? This would explain the ever growing population of "sheeple".0 -
Being 40 I remember school being much better as a child and to this day I can still name off capitols of most kids didnt even know there was a war in Kuwait, the Falkland islands, or Vietnam...sad. Because of NCLB kids are taught to pass the state tests, not to learn. Our school district is one of the best in the state..because they push this testing and prepping for the test so much. Other than test times, my kids are not learning crap, sad to say..and I have kids in elementary, middle and high schools..all the same.
We are gonna be screwed in about 10 years..all I gotta say.0
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