How often do you weigh yourself?

How often do you weigh yourself?

Me, I do it once a week but I want to do it everyday. Because it motivates me to see results, but I am aware if I weigh in too often, I won't see the same progress :P


  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    every morning b/c i like to see my variations... some would say NOT to but i think it helps to keep me focused for the day. for me this is a one day at a time battle. and the scale is my number one line of defense, knowing my numbers is vital. :bigsmile:
  • Every day. Not looking at the scale is like driving without looking at gas gauge.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    NEVER EVER EVER go by my clothes.
  • I weigh myself every morning. It is almost an obsession for me. I have to be very vigilant about my weight, I am super concerned about every pound I gain. It's probably not the healthiest way to be but I think it would drive me crazier not to know if I have gained or lost.
  • NEVER EVER EVER go by my clothes.

    Good idea! I do once a month and go by my clothes and I snap a pic every month so I can SEE the changes. Because the scale doesn't always move even when inches are falling off.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Every Monday..I trust that weight because I usually go overboard on the weekends so if the scale is good to me it is a true.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I don't allow a scale in my house. I weigh myself up to twelve times a day if I do. So, I rely on scales at the GP, hospital, or my Mum's. At most that makes... Once a week.
  • I weigh myself every morning, however I only record my weight weekly on a Tuesday.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    I use to weight myself everyday, but now I am weighing myself about every 3 days I think you should start at every two days. Thanks good luck!!!
  • I weigh myself every 2 weeks. The up and down of doing it everyday discourages me. I just started MFP at the end of January and have lost 11 pounds so far. Goal is 20 by my birthday in April!
  • FeeeeMarieeee
    FeeeeMarieeee Posts: 38 Member
    I'm still weighing myself every morning, but I only "check in" here on mfp once a week... Some days I step on the scale almost every time I walk into the bathroom, I just like to see the effects of what I eat, but I don't take my weight to heart unless it's first thing in the morning.
  • bevhols
    bevhols Posts: 43 Member
    Every Day ... like others have said ... keeps me focused! I know I will see UPS from day to day and DOWNS on other days ... as long as I see over time a decline I am okay with that.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    every morning b/c i like to see my variations... some would say NOT to but i think it helps to keep me focused for the day. for me this is a one day at a time battle. and the scale is my number one line of defense, knowing my numbers is vital. :bigsmile:

    Same here. I like to know how my body is responding to what I'm doing, and it helps me freak out less when I gain a pound one day and drop it the next. It makes me more sane, but I totally understand why it would make others crazy obsessed.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    I usually only do it every week or two. I tend to go by inches more. Because (especially during swim team season) I will build TONS of muscle, and tone up like crazy, which not losing (or even sometimes gaining!) weight. However, there are some weeks when I feel horrible and unconfident and weigh myself lots of times daily, before and after everything I eat lol. Pretty bad, I know. I try to stay away from doing that.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Once a month... the 1st of every month. I peek occasionally, but I only log my weigh ins on the 1st.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Every day.
  • I weigh in every other day but record it only on Monday mornings. I learned early on that by staying more focused on the weekly total and not daily was more motivating for me.
  • I weigh myself once a week, first thing in the morning as my body has been depleted of fluid or food for 8-10 hours. This is the true weight.

    I agree with many of the posters above, MEASURE yourselves, round your calves, thighs, butt, stomach and arms! You could gain two pound but lose inches...

    I really don't go by weight too much because:

    1. Once i went to the loo for a p!ss and lost 2lbs!
    2. I ate a filling meal once and gained 2lbs.

    Weighing yourselves daily is CRAZY!!! I don't see the point, i think once every one or two weeks is better.
  • Twice a week. Tuesdays and Saturday. I record both in MFP. I use Tuesday to judge how I did from the weekend and Monday. Mondays are always rough days at work and home, and the weekend I go overboard sometimes. Tuesday keeps me honest.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Once a month... the 1st of every month. I peek occasionally, but I only log my weigh ins on the 1st.
    This is a good idea.