new to My Fitness Pal, would like to meet new friends

Hi, My name is Joyce. I am new to My Fitness Pal and would like to meet new friends that is working on almost the same goals as me (losing weight) etc. I had the lap-band surgery on January 30th and since then lost 14 lbs and since October of last year lost 32 lbs. I am very :happy: with my success so far with this surgery. If you would like to get to know me better please add me as your friend and send me a message and we can talk. Thanks, Joyce


  • falconspicegirl99
    HI Joyce! I just joined this week too. I have not had lap band surgery, but I hope that doesn't mean we can't still be friends!!
  • lyddiebee
    Hello! I just joined toay! I am excited about having a tool to keep track of progress and also to track my meals. I have been have somewhat frustrated at my progress as of late in that I seem to keep going back and forth between weight loss and gain. I am looking forward to having this outlet to help me! Good to meet you both! :happy:
  • kpalmer4
    Hi. I am new to this program I just joined this week! I am looking for new friends for some weight loss support. Please friend me and tell me your secrets to what works or what doesn't for you.
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    I have not had surgery but I can still go through this weight loss journey with you.
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Congrats.... you can do it!!!