*** Runners' Team * 50+ and 100+ Miles in March *



  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I updated the sheet (hit refresh / reload on your browser) - please let me know of any errors (e.g., spelling or mileage errors).

    Super Excited for MARCH, I feel great and I want to get below 25 minutes for a 5K and start working on 10K times (goal below 52 minutes)!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    okay, i'm in! 50 will be by far the most miles i've ever run in a month's time, so i think i'm going to shoot for that. i'm not sure i'll be able to do this and i really admire all of you who can really rack up those miles! :-) way to go everyone!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member

  • bagelwagon
    bagelwagon Posts: 20 Member
    Put me down for 50.
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    I would love to join this for the motivation! I have never run that much in my life, but will try for 50. Is it to late to join for March? I am in a wedding in April and need to lose major weight!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I am in! Thank you so Much for doing this again. Put me in for 60 this month. Woo-hoo!!!! Lets go!
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks Cooriander for getting March set up. I am hoping to get in 75 miles since I will be traveling.
  • pafagel
    pafagel Posts: 268 Member
    You are awesome for doing this again!

    I'm in for an even 100 in march.
  • dk_runs
    dk_runs Posts: 106
    Many, many thanks for setting this up again. You are awesome! My goal for March is 65 miles.
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 756 Member
    Thanks Cooriander! I'll try to do 100 this month.
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    Do you have room for another runner to join in? I'm going to go for FIFTY miles in March.

    - - -

    PS: I love your AV photo. In my mind, your username is 'Afterimage' :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Can I join in please for this month, February wasn't ideal for me and went right off track so this will be a great motivator

    Can I aim for 65 miles for March
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Do you have room for another runner to join in? I'm going to go for FIFTY miles in March.

    - - -

    PS: I love your AV photo. In my mind, your username is 'Afterimage' :laugh: :bigsmile:

    LOL thanks (: and welcome!!!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    manda127 said:

    Can I join in please for this month, February wasn't ideal for me and went right off track so this will be a great motivator

    Can I aim for 65 miles for March

    YAY, glad you are back!!! I have updated the spreadsheet with your mileage!
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member

  • lilfurson
    lilfurson Posts: 190
    Woohoo...I'm in for 125 this month :)

    Thanks for setting this up again! You rock!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'm in for about 120
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    I would love to join for 50 if it is not too late. I did 3.5 today.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    okay, i'm in! 50 will be by far the most miles i've ever run in a month's time, so i think i'm going to shoot for that. i'm not sure i'll be able to do this and i really admire all of you who can really rack up those miles! :-) way to go everyone!

    well, apparently i was wrong about 50 being by far the most miles i've ever run in a month... i just looked at last october's spreadsheet and i hit 52.5! okay, so i'm still aiming for 50, but 55 would be even better! :-)
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    I ran 3 miles yesterday; 4 miles today.
    So far I have run a total of 7 miles for March. :bigsmile:

    Keep on keepin' on...y'all... :smile: