Sooo what if I ate 1,500 and that was all fruit. Should I re



  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I would do what you want. That will make you happiest in the end.
  • zincalloy
    This is quite funny.

    Surely people can't be offended by this, he's just having a little chuckle.

    If this offends you I'd advise you switch off your computer because there's a whole heap of stuff out there you won't like.
    And some of it is hilarious.

    I've had an absolute blast on sites where the abuse thrown about is bordering on mental illness.

    Have a Coke and a smile.
  • TheDecision

  • blueandigo
    This is quite funny.

    Surely people can't be offended by this, he's just having a little chuckle.

    If this offends you I'd advise you switch off your computer because there's a whole heap of stuff out there you won't like.
    And some of it is hilarious.

    I've had an absolute blast on sites where the abuse thrown about is bordering on mental illness.

    Have a Coke and a smile.
    You're the smartest person(besides me) in this thread. I swear they should make the Internet like voting during the days of slavery.

    You need to pass a literacy test lol.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    If you eat 3500 calories daily of anything but burn less than 3500 calories per day you will gain weight. If you eat 1500 calories of anything daily and burn more than 1500 calories daily, you will lose weight. Is it healthy? Probably not for the long term but it would probably be ok for a while. I am a curious person my self so I would have to try it and see what happens. Good Luck
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    This is quite funny.

    Surely people can't be offended by this, he's just having a little chuckle.

    If this offends you I'd advise you switch off your computer because there's a whole heap of stuff out there you won't like.
    And some of it is hilarious.

    I've had an absolute blast on sites where the abuse thrown about is bordering on mental illness.

    Have a Coke and a smile.

    It wasn't offensive but it wasn't funny either.
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    But what I really want to know is if I eat 3,500 calories worth of fruit would I gain a pound? Would it be healthy? Could I do it everyday?

    And when I say fruit I mean raw fruit as in a whole pinneapple or melon, etc,????

    a calorie is a calorie is my understanding having said that if you eat more (of anything) then you burn logic says you should gain.
    No one but you could say if you could or couldnt do it every day.
    i tried body trim once and havent been able to look at meat chicken and eggs the same ever since i went nuts on the fruit when i stopped that and am still funny about my protein sources

    if you try it out lets us know how it went for you
    calories may be same for same but we have variety to take care of our macro's. my grasp on those little *kitten* is loose so im not going there cause ive still got alot to learn about em
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    This is quite funny.

    Surely people can't be offended by this, he's just having a little chuckle.

    If this offends you I'd advise you switch off your computer because there's a whole heap of stuff out there you won't like.
    And some of it is hilarious.

    I've had an absolute blast on sites where the abuse thrown about is bordering on mental illness.

    Have a Coke and a smile.

    It wasn't offensive but it wasn't funny either.

    Agreed. I'm all for funny things, but this..... oh well, maybe you have to be a 20 year old boy to understand why it's funny!
  • zincalloy
    This is quite funny.

    Surely people can't be offended by this, he's just having a little chuckle.

    If this offends you I'd advise you switch off your computer because there's a whole heap of stuff out there you won't like.
    And some of it is hilarious.

    I've had an absolute blast on sites where the abuse thrown about is bordering on mental illness.

    Have a Coke and a smile.

    It wasn't offensive but it wasn't funny either.

    We're all tickled by different things and I happen to think the OP is a good laugh.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I like bananas.

  • zincalloy
    I like bananas.


    Dipped in Aspartame?
  • rwa3457986
    80/10/10 is a book by dr douglas graham. It promotes a fruitiarian lifestyle. I eat 90% raw and feel wonderful and have lost 30lbs since jan 3.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hey Guys -This topic has been locked because numerous post have violated the MyFitnessPal Guidelines. The original poster was able to obtain the information they were after and the conversation has since derailed. This thread may be deleted at later time at our discretion. Thank you for enjoying and participating on the message boards, but please remember to follow the MFP guidelines.
This discussion has been closed.