Hello all

My name is Dylan and I am 32. I am in need of weight loss as I haven't felt truly comfortable in my skin for a long time now. I am currently in school in Tennessee (better late then never right, ha) and I really feel the need to get going now or I am just going to fall into the sedentary lifestyle like so many of us do. I weigh about 210 lbs. and I am 6' tall. I would love to see myself at 185-190. I believe that I have good metabolism as I have been rather lazy for a long time. I love the outdoors and sports but rarely do either for whatever reason. I am looking to get into bicycling as I am not a runner and don't feel comfortable with my shirt off enough to swim at the University pool (20 something bodies can be intimidating). In any event, I welcome any messages, guidance, suggestions, etc.

All the best,

Dylan Williams