recovering after a binge

SO the day before yesterday i was miserable, and craving chocolate-not HUNGRY-just craving. So i consumed a 175g bag of giant cadburys buttons :'(

Yesterday i was over my calorie goal, not by much but i was over and i did not have a particularly healthy day (ate lots of biscuits). However today i am determined to get back on track with my calorie limit and eating healthy food and going to the gym. I usually am off track for 2-3 days following a binge so i'm pretty pleased with how i coped. How do you all cope after a binge?


  • This couldn't have been posted at a better time! I fell off the wagon yesterday and had already determined to 'let it go' and start fresh today. I am sitting here waiting for the sun to rise so I can go walk. Great job on getting back on track! I think most of us know exactly how you feel :)
  • I remember that one day/week/month does NOT equal my life. One day will not detriment my whole fitness regime. I remember my goals, remember that I want to get lean and athletic, and ensure I have a great workout to stimulate my determination!!

    Also I tell myself that as I have been in a deficit loyally for so long and have eaten clean consistently, in the grand scheme of things my binge was a blip rather than a regular occurence. Oddly my last binge, granted, the enxt day I was bloated, but the day after I looked leaner than ever and actually lost two pounds! I think it had something to do with me eating particualrly well the day after though :P

    Weight/fat loss is a journey, so there will be bumps on the road; just ignroe them as if they had never even happened!
  • I try to double up on water, fruits and vegetables the next couple days. As hard as it is, I also try to stay away from processed foods the following few days too. It helps wash out that junk. But mostly, I try to just work it and get my motivation back! you're doing great! don't worry :)
  • Kali112
    Kali112 Posts: 87 Member
    ...think i am finally, properly back on track today!