Getting my husband on board

So ever since I've made the decision to actually do something about getting healthy instead of just read and dream about it, I've shared all sorts of bits an pieces of info with my husband to try and motivate him as well. He hates change, but he has gotten to the point where he is unhappy with himself as well, so a few days ago he told me he wants to start a plan. :D He's not the kind of person who has the patience to get on MFP and log daily stuff, but I figure a few small changes are better than nothing. He's doing 30DS with me, and eating more fruits and vegetables. I'll take what I can get!


  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    yeah! let him do what he is comfortable with and hopefully he will stay right on track with you! Good luck to both of you!
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Slow & steady! ! Once he sees some results with 30DS he may be more likely to join you here!

    Could you offer to help him with mfp? Offer to log for him when he doesn't want to?
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I think what he is doing is great! Logging isn't for everyone. My husband wants to lose about 15 pounds, but honestly he usually doest that without me knowing he is trying. He would never get on the computer or pay attention to everything he eats. But then, he doesn't have to. I do. Baby steps! He is working out with you! That is huge!
  • fenderperry
    fenderperry Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck to both of you!
  • Paxnyokes
    Paxnyokes Posts: 30 Member
    My husband had one of those "if she can do it, I can do better" moments. I completed the c25k program and run in a couple races. That was enough to get him running.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    That's great! In time, he might do more. I've been on here over a year and my husband just joined about a week ago. My husband also hates change but he was finally fed up. I think he's been noticing my weight loss, increase in energy, accomplishing goals and starting to want that for himself. My husband is a visual + numbers guy and just bought a hrm on my recommendation. He's liking seeing the numbers add up...and then finally made the leap to counting calories. Now he's probably going to be more focussed than me! It just took him a year of ME being consistent for him to work up to it!

    Good job on getting him motivated! It's so much easier when you are both on the same page, isn't it?