Pest at the gym. I am looking for suggestions and support, P

Ok here goes. I'll try to be economic with this post.

I've been doing HIIT on the tread mill. One or two minute intense intervals; high speed-high incline and then lowered to moderate incline-moderate speed. For about two weeks. It seems to be working miraculously on me. This is after doing two years of 10-12% incline at 3.7 to 4 mph for 20 minutes.

I'm on the treadmill, minding me own business, headphones in ears-walking/nearly jogging at 15% incline to House of Pain-Jump around. Experiencing two of the longest minutes of my life. I'm watching two tv screens...trying to remain distracted, cause this hurts.

(Please don't be offended by my language now:)

This bleeding idiot flips a towel in my face whilst I am doing the incline. He wants my attention.
I said, "Wait a moment, please I'm on intensity level". Idiot bloke looks annoyed that I should have put him off.

Having lowered myself to a 10% incline at 3.7mph I take off an ear phone and said "yes".

And this is what this bleeding idiot said:

"I've been watching you for two weeks since you've been here. If you want to get fit, you don't hold on to the bars and if you must you go slower to walk uphill. The treadmill is to simulate the outdoors."

I unceremoniously put my head phones back on and proceeded with my work out now fuming.

Don't interrupt anyone when they are at such and incline and speed. (Much less flipping a towel in one's face).

I have been there two months-daily save the weekends or going to another branch of that gym network. I have been a member of a gym for years and years. "Fit" Bloody-bleeping-hell, I'm a size six. This weight I'm presently trying to lose is not my normal. I gained "depression weight over the autumn and winter". I'm normally a marathon runner. Just trying to get back there, that's all.

After is rude interruption, he put a weighted backpack on and walked up hill on the tread mill. Bloody sissy. It's been mild outside. If I were a climber, which I am not, I would be outside. If it's suppose to be simulate the out doors, then why be inside?

The gym needs to be your solace, your time for yourself.

Shall I say something to him so he won't interrupt me again? Or should I report him to one of the trainers and have them say something. Don't want this sissy interrupting me again. It's bleeding dangerous when I'm at that speed/incline.

I always take direction from the guys in the weight room. I've no problem with that. If I'm doing something wrong then tell me so I'm not wasting me energy. Cardio is just cardio. To me, it's a preference.


Thanks in advance.


  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    oooh I don't know what to suggest now it's happened. I mean I would have been so offended, I hold on to everything as I have dizzy spells. I'd get your towel and flick him and keep flicking him while he's trying to work out, when he's in a ball on the floor keep flicking, when they drag you off him keep flicking him! but that's because I get aggressive, I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer.

    I'd report him to one of the trainers, I'd be a bit concerned that he's watching you, when I used to go to the gym I focused on myself and wouldn't have noticed if the same person was in at the same time as me let alone what they were doing. I suppose some people just want to criticise, if he wanted to suggest something he went around it the wrong way, he should have asked your intentions and made suggestions if he really felt like he would be helping out. It sounds like he's just one of those people that thinks he always knows best.
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    Well i wouldn't say anything now the window has passed BUT if he tried that sh@# again rip him a new one go up one side of his head and down another I HATE being interrupted in the gym unles it is an emergency. That is all.

    Oh by the way way to go on doing HIIT.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    I'd get your towel and flick him and keep flicking him while he's trying to work out, when he's in a ball on the floor keep flicking, when they drag you off him keep flicking him! but that's because I get aggressive, I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer.

    Probably not the right approach but Sooooo funny - Made me laugh a lot, thank you!! :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's too bad you're not someone who reacts to being startled by punching. :devil:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Unless someone's paying me £40/hr I leave them to it.

    It's not written in the gym rules, but if someone interrupts your workout, you're allowed to spit at them.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I think your response was perfect and should give him a clue that you aren't interested in his opinion.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If he interrupts you again, tell him if he does that one more time, you will report him to the gym manager. Otherwise, just ignore him from now on. He said what he wanted to say, so he may not bother you again.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Well i wouldn't say anything now the window has passed BUT if he tried that sh@# again rip him a new one go up one side of his head and down another I HATE being interrupted in the gym unles it is an emergency. That is all.

    Oh by the way way to go on doing HIIT.

    If he interrupts you again, tell him if he does that one more time, you will report him to the gym manager. Otherwise, just ignore him from now on. He said what he wanted to say, so he may not bother you again.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.

    Somewhere floating around the Internet is a whole thing about the people who post in threads and the kinds of things that get said, all these very sterotypical responses. I believe right here were have a classic example of one of those.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL! I love the spitting and flicking suggestions!!

    Seriously though, I agree that since the time has passed, bringing it back up would just be stressful and dramatic. I think you probably proved your point just by ignoring him and continuing to do your thing. If not, and he does RUDELY interrupt you again, definitely have a good response ready. I think mine would go something like this:

    Number ONE - if you really cared about my workout and had any clue about fitness, you'd know that HIIT is EXCELLENT for fat and calorie burn (among other benefits) and you wouldn't interrupt me when I'm at my highest incline and speed, not to mention the fact that I've got earbuds/headphones in/on and obviously don't want to have a chat right now.
    Number TWO - if I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it!
    Number THREE - go to hell!
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    If he interrupts again, politely say "i have heard your advice and have chosen to do my own thing" and if that doesn't work, give him a flying elbow. I would assume from that incline, it would be epic.
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    My advice - for what its worth, is to let it go this time but next time simply tell him that whilst he is entitled to his opion you are enjoying working out just as you are.

    My guess, and it only a guess, is that he is one of those "know it all" types that wants to feel superior by going round telling people that they are not exercising correctly. And he proabably has a small d**k.

    I reckon he will leave you alone now but if not tell him politely where to go.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I think your response was perfect and should give him a clue that you aren't interested in his opinion.

    Agreed... Wow. I love how some people think that you are going to just snap to attention and listen to what they say having no clue who the hell they are or what they know. Keep doing what you're doing. You're finding its working - listen to yourself, and maybe accidentally through your water bottle at his head the next time he interrupts you.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I personally mind my own business at the gym. But if I did have to say something, I'd wait til the person was done unless I thought the person was in danger for some reason. But I have heard that holding on to the sides should be avoided, so I think he was just trying to be helpful. His timing and approach sucked, but I still think he was trying to help.
  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    you are correct, not only is that completely rude but it is quite dangerous...heaven forbid you lost your footing or balance for a second. I personally have witnessed complete wipeouts from the treadmill, my dear SIL had a major fall and injury on one. This person has no manner or ettiquette whatsoever...I would definitely say something to the Gym management, perhaps you are not the only one this character has annoyed and maybe they need to have a chat with him about his behavior. He is not a paid trainer to walk around interrupting anyone. Please let us know what the management says. This is a safety issue.:noway:
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Standard New Yorker reply is to tell the guy to go F himself and that if I wanted your F'in opinion I would have asked.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    try some universal response like - fark you very much or 'in the future when I want your input I'll rattle your chain' how about this one- totally straight face- 'oh thanks, I'm not doing this for fitness, I'm trying to get back to Narnia' and keep on truckin'
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    It was it was me and it was done politely he'd of got an "Oh right, OK" before being ignored... in your case it would have been a "F....luff off mate" before being ignored. Either way, ignore him and do whatever you want! :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    try some universal response like - fark you very much or 'in the future when I want your input I'll rattle your chain' how about this one- totally straight face- 'oh thanks, I'm not doing this for fitness, I'm trying to get back to Narnia' and keep on truckin'

    OMG! I have never had anyone butt into my workout, but if it ever happens, I am so going to remember this! LMAO