1/2 marathoners & marathoners- how's your training going?



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Kind of mixed. I'm working towards a half marathon at the end of April. When the weather is cooperating and I can get outside, I'm doing very well. When it snows, like today, and it's too icy and dangerous to be outside and I move to the treadmill, it's terrible. I just can't stay focused enough to get in a good run. I get so bored. And I don't find it mentally relaxing since I'm not particularly graceful and have to pay careful attention so as not to fall off.

    I am with you, I hate the treadmill! 3 miles feels like 10, soooo boring!

    I so get this now. I used to prefer the treadmill and would only hit a few outdoor runs before a race to get the pavement feel. But now I've grown to love the trail I run on and treadmills have become horrible to run on for me.

    Sadly, with my work hours, I only have the choice of treadmill or track on weekdays. And since the thought of running in circles is worse to me than a treadmill, it's a necessary evil. I did a quick two mile run on the local track last fall and just doing eight laps made me wanna shoot myself. Lol

    Thankfully, once the time changes, it'll be lighter late enough for me to fit in my weekday runs after work on the trail. So my spring 12-K and fall Half will be much more enjoyable training in that respect.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Mine is 7 weeks away...I am starting to increase my ong runs...right now I am at 10 miles for a long run...

    will steadily increase thru the month of March to get in 13 miles a few week before race day and then start to taper down...

    I run about 30-35 miles a week, so I feel ready...

    Just need to do some more hill work....
  • shaeni1221
    After completing the Locomotive Half Marathon in Kennesaw, GA without incident (2:19:43), I registered for the New Jersey Marathon on May 6th. Both are/will be my firsts. I just finished a 15 mile run last weekend, and a 12 mile mid-week medium long run today. Every finished long run increases my confidence. My plan (a mashup of different strategies, but I started with Higdon's) is to take two shots at a long run of 20 miles (my upcoming long runs are 16, 18, 20, 14, 16, 18, 20, then taper to 12, and 8)- I want to be as prepared as I can be at the starting line. Last year at this time I weighed over 470 pounds, so it is insane to me that I can actually do these runs (and such a feeling of accomplishement when I finish them).

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    I'm also doing the NJ Marathon on May 6th. I'll be doing the half and it will be my first one
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    I'm doing the Nashville one also on April 28. I am up to about 11.5 miles, but have decided to take a break from running and let my body heal. Will be doing yoga, rollerblading and general gym work in the meantime.