Calling all NON morning people....



  • kujuh
    kujuh Posts: 6 Member
    I was always finding myself falling asleep at my desk around 11/11:30, depending on how busy I am. It wasn't until I started taking Women's One-a-day vitamins, that I've felt energized all day at work! They really have made a difference for me.. and you can buy the generic brand for half the price, and it still has all of the same vitamins, amounts, etc.

    I'm not a morning person either! But have recently found myself getting tired around 10:00pm, which is really strange for me! But I'm not complaining :) I hope to one day be going to the gym BEFORE work, rather than after!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm NOT a morning person and I embrace it. I just figure my schedule is a little different than everyone else's. Since I'm still in college it is working out pretty well for me :) I sleep 2am-10am. I get my full 8 hours sleep and still have 3 hours in the morning to get things done before class.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Another night owl here - I have typical day job, Monday-Friday hours and usually get up around 7-7:15 on work days. I do my exercises right after work which must be around the time I get my third wind or so :smile:

    Lately I've been getting to sleep around midnight so that's not such a bad number of hours. I really wish I could get up earlier and exercise - I tried that for a couple weeks and I was pretty miserable! :sick:
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I'm not a morning person either. I've just kinda accepted it as fact at this point. Lol.
  • rataliek
    rataliek Posts: 32 Member
    Oh, also, I agree with setting your alarm across the room or something similar -- I have an alarm clock called "Clocky" that actually rolls off the night stand once you hit snooze! haha!

    HOWEVER -- I don't agree necessarily with setting your alarm for half an hour before you *really* need to get up. I found for me it was better to train myself out of hitting snooze, and instead just getting up when it went off. I find that when I set a "false alarm," so to speak, I end up just getting a half hour or whatever of crappy/ not real sleep, when if I had just set the alarm for the "real" time I could have gotten the actual rest without the extra angst.

    What an amazing invention! I couldn't help but look it up online just now and I don't think it's an option for me to be without one of these much longer. Even when I set my alarm across the room I tend to hit snooze and climb back into bed or turn the alarm off all together. I can imagine if I'm chasing the dang thing around the room I'll wake up much quicker! Thanks.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    At 57 years old, and having working 37 years on a schedule where I have to get up early............I have come to the conclusion that some people are NEVER EVER going to be morning people! I am one. I set my alarm for 6:03 (I just like the odd number). Often, I wake up JUST before it goes off......I think that's just my morning pattern. I don't LIKE getting up, but try to do so on the first buzz.........will occasionally hit the snooze, but not often.

    I don't have to be to work until 8:00, and it's a 10 minute drive. But I NEED those two hours to get into the groove of my day..........and I take my time with it. I know I cannot adjust my schedule now..........I try to get to bed by 11:00 pm, and can function quite well on 6 good hours of sleep.

    I will never be a morning exerciser, either. Nope........not gonna happen.

    This ain't changin' now, folks. But retirement beckons, and then I can FINALLY be on my body's schedule!!! (maybe ;)
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am definitely a night person. My energy picks up around 10:00 p.m. and then I can go all night. Getting up in the morning for work is the worst.

    I don't have any remedies. I keep hoping, like you, that my clock will get turned around if I just go to bed early and keep on a regular schedule. Not happening. Its frustrating because before I had this job, I got so much done at night: cleaning, facebook, reading, etc. Now I am dragging a@@ all day and then just want to lay down and go to bed. I don't think I will ever really adjust.

    I will keep checking back for more suggestions! :yawn:
  • a_robinson86
    a_robinson86 Posts: 55 Member
    Sometimes, especially in the summer, I wish I could be one of those people who get up with the sunrise and start their day right away all cheery and peppy. Can't do it though.

    I say every summer I'm going to make the effort to be a morning person to make the most of the lovely long days, NEVER happens! lol

    I also do my workouts at night after my boys go to bed, it's the only time I have the energy to do it! I'll never be one of them people who wakes up a couple of hours early to do a workout, I love my bed toooooo much! lol :laugh:
  • twilightobession
    twilightobession Posts: 102 Member
    OMGosh!!!!!! You and I could be twins. I am not a morning person either. I could stay up late though. I have always said.....If I could wake up at 9 and start my day by 10, that would be ideal to me. lol. The bad thing is that I am married to a morning person. We have been lucky that we do not have to get ready for work at the same time or I would probably kill him or we would not be married any more. LOL!!!! I am trying to do better. I have been trying to convince myself to get up early and exercise but I have not been about to do it. I am very lucky that I keep kids in my home and when they go down for nap that is when I am able to exercise. All I can say is GOOD LUCK and if you find the secret to being a morning person please share. I would love to be able to jump right out of bed when I wake up.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I exercise after work since I have to leave for work before 7. Straight from work to the fitness center, then home and shower and dinner. Days that I work out are eternal...