My job is moving - and now my mouth wants to

So, it's almost been a week since I found out my job will be relocating to another state. Granted, it's only 1 hr and 30 minutes away but I've lived in one area for my whole life. Family, friends.. you can't find that anywhere else.

The good news is that the company is paying me to move and giving me quite a few bonuses. The bad news is that I'm so stressed out that I'm craving food nonstop!!! I'm doing well with no fast food, I'm craving Subway and Panera Bread but it's still calories that I don't need.

I'm losing sleep, why won't my appetite go with it? :)

Any suggestions on how to subside all the stress and get back to normal?


  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I moved to another state 6months ago for a job and to move in with my was hard and I gained 5lbs from it....all I can tell you is that in the long run it was the best decision i ever made, and new friends will come and you're still close enough to the other ones to visit and stuff. Try to relax a little and look at this as a new chapter in your life and that your job must value you to be giving you the opt to move with them etc. Things will get better :)
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    This might not help but the hunger but it might with the stress. Just try and take a few moments a day for you! This could be reading a book, taking a nice walk or just sitting in the dark for a few moments. I think you need to work on the stress issue and once you have a handle on that, the food cravings might die down.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Find something that soothes you that isn't food. Hard to find, I know...