I have lots to lose.....



  • rman1971
    rman1971 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 41. I have another 80 more lbs to lose to be not be considered obese. I'm not saying that's my end goal, but it's intended as one of my stepping stones. I've been on here for about a year now. I lost about 50 lbs last year, but at the start of this year i've managed to put back on 10 lbs. Just this morning the scale started moving back in the right direction. It made me smile.

    Just remember, as cliche as it sounds, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. It took you all this time to get to where you are, it's not going to come off overnight. Set manageable goals, and don't let minor hiccups get you totally derailed. It's gonna happen, but how you rebound is where you'll find your strength. Be proud of yourself for the little things that you do to help you along this path. They too are extremely important and extremely powerful.

    Everything started for me when I realized I could just skooch my alarm clock back by 15 minutes so I could get in a mini workout a few times a week, before I started my day. Little by little, I increased the time in the morning to where I'm now able to get in almost an hour 6 days a week.

    MFP has a large community, but it also helps to have a circle of people in here that you know and that are supportive and encouraging. It's amazing how many people are in the same position, but because many suffer in silence, they don't know who else is dealing with the same things.

    Once I found my group at work, and we all joined MFP, it's been super empowering!

    All the best!

  • mch52
    mch52 Posts: 1
    I'm also in the same boat. I'm 28 and have a lot to lose. The last year wasn't a healthy one with a lot of stressful things going on. I would love to have support and give support to those that need it. I joined today but started in January with an exercise goal. I'm pretty excited to be on track with that and figured I should get more serious about losing weight. I need to watch what I put in my mouth.