Do you weigh more during that time of the month?

Does it have any effect on your weight?


  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I do, for sure!!! I can easily put on 5 to 7 pounds! It's usually all bloat/water weight. And, a few days after I'm done, it goes away. That's my problem right now. I'm discouraged, but I know the gain is all bloat.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    yes, more when I was on birth control. I would retain anywhere from 3-5 lbs of water!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I feel big as a house during my period, but as elis_mama said, it's water weight that drops off pretty soon after your period ends.
  • dudex03
    I definitely do! Especially since my birth control causes me to hold my water weight...I'll put on at least 5lbs.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Take a diurex at night 1 day before and each night of your cycle to ward off the water. Or, just wait for it to taper off. And watch your sodium intake as that makes your body hold even more water.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Yes, more and after TOM the weight goes right back down.
  • minimaggie
    minimaggie Posts: 224 Member
    Always, at least a couple of lbs.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Yes ma'am. Some is water weight and some is from the chocolate consumed.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    Definitely. I feel like a whale. I usually gain about 3-4 lbs, but they drop off right after. Usually 2 to 3 days after.
  • CeeBond
    CeeBond Posts: 12 Member
    Yes!!! Up to 10 pounds more!!
  • alyedg
    Ok, this makes me feel so much better about my weigh-in with my trainer last night. I was sure I had lost more weight than what showed up on the scale.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    at least 2-3lbs. I've learned not to go near the scale from about 3 days before until Aunt Flo goes away!
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Yep but only because a lot of us start retaining water. Stay away from salty things and drink lots of water with lemon it will help and know in your heart it's just some extra water. The body can retain a LOT of water too. I just had surgery and I had an extra 20 lbs when I got home. I lost it all over the weekend though so yest the body can do that.

    "Some experts believe that the reduction in progesterone, in the week before menstruation, leads to more progesterone being broken down which signals the kidneys to retain water and sodium. As well as this, a water-retaining compound (an anti-diuretic hormone) may be secreted, which causes more water to be retained.

    Other experts believe that PMS water retention is due to fluctuations in blood sugar. For example, when someone does not eat for many hours, blood sugar levels typically fall very low. This causes the body to secrete adrenaline, which tells the body to release stored sugar from cells in order to normalize the level of sugar in the bloodstream. However, when sugar is removed from the cells, they fill up with water, causing (it is believed) weight gain, bloating and water retention symptoms in premenstrual women. The point is, women with PMS tend to release adrenaline a lot sooner than do women at other stages of the menstrual cycle."
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I tend to lose it faster, actually... but I'm pretty sure that I'm an anomaly for that one.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    Absolutely! 3-5 lbs-I don't weigh myself that week so not to get myself upset.
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Nope and if I do it isn't anything that isn't out of the normal fluctuation I have the rest of the month
  • skinnybysummer24
    I usually only put on 1-2lbs so I tend to avoid the scale. hahah
  • Jus1molbplz
    Always up to around 6-7lbs, and the TOM last about 2 weeks for me though :/ (I've got some issues) so for about 2 weeks I will see no weight loss, but after that it'll come back down. Don't worry - the scale will not always move, that doesnt mean you aren't getting smaller, and thats the point right? :)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I may put on a pound or two, but more often then not I drop one or two as soon as I'm done. So I don't lose any weight for like... two weeks and then after my period I'll be down three.