Evening Eating-



  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not alone in the late night eating thing.:ohwell: ... Before I really decided I had to start losing weight I think I was doing most of my calories at night....I would drink coffee in the am and not do breakfast and then a small lunch cuz I was busy...and than whammy my evenings were all about the food....AND snacks! sigh

    I have done two things that have helped me so far...brushing teeth after my last snack or meal...I can't believe it works but it does! lol I was reading the other posts saying OMG its not just me!

    And the second thing is putting on music and dancing for about 45 mins...about an hour after I eat dinner...that's when I usually like to just unwind and watch tv (when my son allows that lol) and will always go get some snacks...mindless eater here!

    But now when I feel like just dropping and snacking....I "make" myself turn on the tunes and even when i really don't want to the music will get to me and I'll end up really getting into it....AND when I'm done I only want water Oh and an extra bonus my son will dance w/ me so I don't have that "mommy guilt" thing LOL

    I think for me night time eating was and is the hardest thing to conquer and I wish you all the best w/ it...some great advice and tips too!
  • CamCam
    CamCam Posts: 43
    My boyfriend made me a fruit and veggie smoothie. its a mixture of carrots, beets, blueberries, apple, banana, celery and a little honey. it fills u right up.