Scale question

Im not sure where to put this so I'll just stick it here. when you guys weigh yourselves, do you just step on the scale once and take that weight? or do you step on it multiple times to see if you get the same weight? i weighed myself this morning and got 1 weight, and just out of curiosity, i stepped on it again, but got a completely different reading. I proceed to weight myself several times to see if i could get the same weight twice, but i didnt and got a range of about 2.5lbs. i tried to stand on it the same way each time and not move around and all that but i still couldnt get a consistent reading. If this happens to any of you, what do you do? just take the first weight, the lowest, try to get an average? or do you just step on it once and be done with it?


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    most people seem to take the weight that comes up most often or averages etc. as long as you pick a method and use it consistently, thats good enough.

    I bought a new scale and it doesn't fluctuate much at all - if I step on and off it only goes about .2 lbs either way which I can live with. So if you've got the money you might consider just getting a different scale.
  • snkoyle15
    yeah, usually if it fluctuates, its only a little bit, like .2-.3lbs but for some reason today it was like 2.5 lb range. i dont think i got the same weight twice which doesnt usually happen either.
  • monharri
    yeah, my scale fluctates too. i step on it three times and settle with the last number.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You may need a new scale or new batteries for the one you have.

    If you have hand weights at home (or something like an unopened 10lb bag of potatoes or something you KNOW the weight of) set it on the scale by itself and see what the scale reads.

    Is it on a hard, flat surface?