Starting new diet plan-need help.



  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I am starting the Six Week Body Challenge Makeover diet today. According to the rules and what my friend says about it (she's done it before, successfully.) I need to eat every 1.5-3 hours to keep my metabolism up.

    Well, also, according to what she and the book says-I will be eating like this, everyday, for about a month.

    1 cup oatmeal (plain)
    2 eggwhites

    Fruit Cup

    Chicken or Fish (baked or grilled)
    Plain baked potato

    Fruit Cup

    Chicken or Fish
    Plain baked potato

    That's it. I can handle that. There are more options of what I can eat but I am not adding them in, yet. This daily meal plan comes to 600 calories per day. That doesn't seem like enough. Since I'm going by a diet plan and seeing her results from doing same diet...I assume its okay?

    I Zumba at least 4 days a week and drink nothing but water most days.

    Just curious if this sounds healhty? I'm not a big eater. I am a picky eater, don't eat a lot when I do eat and really only eat like 3 meals a day so the snacking is going to be something I have to get used to.

    Any advice will be appreciated! :)


    I have done it. over a gallon of water included. but weight came right back. i was going to start again for one week then go back to this. but it worked for people on tv when they had makeovers. but didn't show anything about when they went back to real life.

    good luck. please don't hurt your self

  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    You need to eat more. You may lose initially but not long term. And you can't live that way for the rest of your life. You need to find a healthy life style way of eating. Eating less now but enough to sustain yourself and a plan that can carry you througt to mainteance. Try adding a salad at lunch and dinner and/or some veggies. Increase the amount of your protein at all three meals (may whole eggs instead of egg whites and an extra ounce or two of chicken or fish at lunch and dinner). Take care of yourself, please.

    Im definitely trying to take care of myself and do it the right way. That's why I want opinions! I can eat all the protein I want in reality since I'm trying to stay away from carbs and I can live off of green beans so I'm willing to eat as much of those as possible! I don't do salads. I don't like lettuce or anything similar. :(
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    600 calories a day is crazy! Most programs recommend about 1200 calories a day for an average loss of 1 lb to 2 lbs per week.
    This is not healthy. Your body will go into starvation mode and actually start burning muscle instead of fat.
    A much better way is a juice fast. Have you heard of the documentary "Fat, sick and nearly dead"? I have being doing a modified version of it for 6 weeks and lost 7 lbs. The guy who does it lost 82 lbs in 60 days and cured himself of an autoimmune disease that had him on 11 pills a day.

    If you have netflix, you can stream the documentary. If not you can watch it for free on hulu.

    It is well work your time.
    Good luck!

    Thanks for your input .Things like this make me realize! I haven't fully started diet, yet. But, this helps me make my decision on how I need to eat!
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    I suppose that's all I needed to hear! I didn't think it sounded healthy.

    No, I don't have a eating disorder! lol I eat perferctly fine but in my own experiece...carbs are my enemy. I have PCOS and gain like crazy when I eat carbs. So, I'm trying to stay away from carbs. But, that diet means I'd have to eat carbs with one meal a day. I guess thats not TOO bad. But, still.

    I guess I'm going to stick to my all protein diet and work out.

    Thanks SO much!

    If carbs are your enemy, this entire diet is wrong for you. Each and every meal is carbs. Oatmeal, fruit, baked potato twice per day??? All carbs. I also wouldn't suggest to anyone to eat 2 baked potatoes per day. Maybe other veggies, but not potatoes.

    I agree with the others. It's more than 600 calories, but probably not enough.

    There isn't anyhting to this diet that sounds right for you.

    I kind of thought the same thing. :/ I will have at least one carb per day for health reasons. I don't want to COMPLETELY cut them out. I'm sure I need them to some point.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    I am starting the Six Week Body Challenge Makeover diet today. According to the rules and what my friend says about it (she's done it before, successfully.) I need to eat every 1.5-3 hours to keep my metabolism up.

    Well, also, according to what she and the book says-I will be eating like this, everyday, for about a month.

    1 cup oatmeal (plain)
    2 eggwhites

    Fruit Cup

    Chicken or Fish (baked or grilled)
    Plain baked potato

    Fruit Cup

    Chicken or Fish
    Plain baked potato

    That's it. I can handle that. There are more options of what I can eat but I am not adding them in, yet. This daily meal plan comes to 600 calories per day. That doesn't seem like enough. Since I'm going by a diet plan and seeing her results from doing same diet...I assume its okay?

    I Zumba at least 4 days a week and drink nothing but water most days.

    Just curious if this sounds healhty? I'm not a big eater. I am a picky eater, don't eat a lot when I do eat and really only eat like 3 meals a day so the snacking is going to be something I have to get used to.

    Any advice will be appreciated! :)


    I have done it. over a gallon of water included. but weight came right back. i was going to start again for one week then go back to this. but it worked for people on tv when they had makeovers. but didn't show anything about when they went back to real life.

    good luck. please don't hurt your self


    Well, hearing that you put the weight right back on helps me make a decision, also. I want to lose weight the right way. Thanks!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    No veggies...yikes! I would go nuts without tons of veggies.

    It looks like the plan is something like this, calorie-wise:

    Oatmeal/Eggs - 200
    Fruit cup - 100
    Lunch - 300
    Fruit Cap - 100
    Dinner - 300

    Total - 1000

    If you're going to eat 1000 calories, you can have a bunch of more interesting foods than those selections. Note that these are all carbs and only about 60g of protein. No fat. We need fat, it's not the enemy. Fat is what helps us feel satiated and curb the cravings. The best diet is a balanced diet with reasonable portions of all the macros and adequate calories. If you plan to lose a lot of weight and keep it off, this is probably not the diet for you (anyone). In my opinion, of course.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    No veggies...yikes! I would go nuts without tons of veggies.

    It looks like the plan is something like this, calorie-wise:

    Oatmeal/Eggs - 200
    Fruit cup - 100
    Lunch - 300
    Fruit Cap - 100
    Dinner - 300

    Total - 1000

    If you're going to eat 1000 calories, you can have a bunch of more interesting foods than those selections. Note that these are all carbs and only about 60g of protein. No fat. We need fat, it's not the enemy. Fat is what helps us feel satiated and curb the cravings. The best diet is a balanced diet with reasonable portions of all the macros and adequate calories. If you plan to lose a lot of weight and keep it off, this is probably not the diet for you (anyone). In my opinion, of course.

    Thanks :) I think I am going to try and figure something else out for myself.