Weight Loss Advice

Hey everyone my name is Bree and I am trying to loose weight. One website told me I need to consume 1700 calories in order to loose weight without exercise. I am trying to work out 3 times a week and I have been eating about 1200-1700 calories a day. Can anyone give me any advice, I am 198 lbs and I would like to reach 145 lbs in a healthy way. Thank you guys!


  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    Before you even think about calories, just track your eating for a couple of weeks. Record EVERY bite you put in your mouth. After a couple of weeks, you should notice patterns and be able to identify some healthy changes you can make. Don't worry about calories when you're just starting out. There's plenty of time for that later.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I started at the same weight as you are now. I am 5' 5" and want to get down to the same weight as you!

    I started off eating the 1,200 calories that this site said I should eat and turned out to be miserable, gained weight etc. I upped it to 1,700 (was about 10 calories over my BMR at the time) and felt much better.

    Less isn't always more. Eat at your BMR and go from there. Add in more water, less processed foods, more natural foods, more fruits and veggies, more leans meats, less sodium. Once you have the eating portion down than concentrate on the exercise.

    Good luck!
  • BlDancy
    BlDancy Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! @Mallory I've been trying to do 1700 but I end up with only 1200 barely by the end of the night. I'm stuck at between 198 and 199. I've started last month at 203 and now here I am. But I have noticed my gut has gone down. I don't know what to do at this point. I really want to get down but it seems as if I'm just not loosing. (Glad I am not gaining)