Haven't lost any weight yet

Hi everyone, I know that this question has been posted a million times on here, but here it goes anyway. I started doind the 30 day Shred almost two weeks ago (plus calorie counting and drinking eight glasses of water a day) and I weighed myself today and I have not lost one stinking pound. On the plus side, my jeans fit better and I have more energy than I have had in a while but, it is still FRUSTRATING!! I understand that you can lose fat and gain muscle so you see no difference on the scale. My question is for all those that have been through this is WHEN did you start actually losing weight? I would like to lose at least 1-1.5 pounds per week. MFP recommended that i consume around 1400 calories a day which I know that I am. Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated. I also was reading about clean eating, so I am going to start doing this as much as possible. Thanks in advance!!


  • kleighsamboer
    Clean eating is the key. Lots of fresh fruit and veggies is best. stay away from the processed foods. Stay away from caffeine. You will start seeing the numbers on the scale and the fact that your energy is up and your pants are fitting better is great! keep up the good work!
  • curlygirlyful85
    curlygirlyful85 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been and currently am in where you are. I've calorie counted and everything. Sometimes weighing yourself could be the worst thing for your weight loss process. It's so emotional. What I do now is weigh in once a month on the same day. Then weekly measure myself. I maybe lost 5 pounds or so doing the 30 day shred. But I noticed my jeans fit better and I had more energy. Also I was stronger. Keep your head up high and realize the great changes you are making. Good luck!
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    It can be so hard to not get hung up on scale weight, but DON'T GET HUNG UP ON SCALE WEIGHT!!

    Particularly when you are seeing results, like clothes fitting better! That's what your true goal is, right? To be smaller -- not just to have gravity exert less force on your body. That's all scale weight is.....a measure of the force gravity is exerting on your body.

    It's probably water weight, which can fluctuate dramatically and have a big impact on the scale. But you are seeing the results that really matter.

    (I always ask myself, Would you rather be your current weight and 3 sizes smaller, or the same size but 30 lbs lighter? It's a no-brainer.)
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    Thanks for all the responses everyone. I didn't get my workout in tonight because I had to take my son to urgent care to get stitches. I am actually under my calorie count today, but I will try harder tomorrow.
  • bulletprooff
    Assuming you're female, it could all have to do with your cycle. It's nonsense (as in I'm using that word instead of cursing). For me personally, I stay the same or seemingly gain weigh then one week a month it ALL will drop and repeat.

    As others said you can't let it discourage you, it certainly is motivating but damn, don't let it own your success. You feel better, you're losing inches, you're doing it!

    Anything worth doing, is worth doing right and takes time. Give it more time and don't lose hope.