March Daily Step Challenge



  • Cicicat0620
    03/01=7259 not 10k. but I was moving it doing chair massage.. woo hoo.
    03/03= 3134 forgot my fitbit at home for the moring. it would have been about 3k more steps
    03/04= 3584 did climb 8 flights though... I was cleaning all day. So was moving just not taking that many steps. oh well. .
    03/05= 8255 forgot the fitbit at home but downloaded it on my phone. Might be off a few steps.
    03/06= 6855 close but no cigar..
    03/07= 7233 a little better.
    03/08= 6900 I should have walked a few more steps I could have reached that 7k.. Next time.
    03/09= 5060
    03/10= 4156
    03/11= 3304 must have been lazy over the weekend. didn't really do much. I will get back on track this week.
    03/12= 7029 woo hoo. broke the 7k mark. just barely...
    03/14= 6212 Dang shy again... I too work at a sedentary job during the day. Walk at lunch. Hopefully with the Baseball season coming up I can up my steps. I will be working there and that involves a lot of walking.
    03/15= 6491
    03/16= 6749
    03/17= 8113 woo hoo.. must have been the dancing that night. Hope everyone wore there green
    03/18= 104 forgot fitbit at home. did walk around walmart for awhile
    03/19= 4657
    03/20= 6135
    03/21= 5767
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    3/7 -- 2983 (not a good start but things will get better)
    3/8 -- 3707 (ever so slowly the steps creep up. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get a chance to do some good walking).
    3/9 -- 1979 (tomorrow is another day)
    3/10 -- 16,899 (whew!!)
    3/11 -- 2103 (thinking I need to be more consistent!)
    3/12 -- 3309
    3/13 -- 6128 (hopefully I will have a little more free time the next couple days)
    3/14 -- 3409 (started working extremely early and ended up napping late afternoon/early eve)
    3/15 -- 3074 (did 1 hr biking so didn't get the steps in today)
    3/16 -- 1311 (pathetic!)
    3/17 -- 10927 (now that's where I SHOULD be at every day)
    3/18 -- 12,295
    3/19 -- 5831 (did some biking)
    3/20 -- 2980 (did biking)
    3/21 -- 2951 (did biking)
    3/22 -- 2545 (biked again)
    3/23 --
    3/24 --
    3/25 --
    3/26 --
    3/27 --
    3/28 --
    3/29 --
    3/30 --
    3/31 --
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    3/01= 11,282
    3/03= 4,890 (exhausted resting)
    03/04= 4,435 (exhausted resting)
    03/05= 10,630
    03/06= 12,133
    03/07= 7,064
    03/08= 8,935
    03/09= 12,747
    03/10= 6,450
    03/11= 9,257 (did a 5k)
    03/12= 9,290 (shin splints bad)
    03/13= 13,578
    03/14= 10,551
    03/15= 6,261 (on the road)
    03/16= 13.225
    03/17= 10,613 (5k)
    03/18= 6,824 (rest day)
    03/19= 8,389 ( on the road 8 hours )
    03/20= 15,116
    03/21= 10,266 sub total 204,202
    03/22= 10,093


  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    3/1 - 6967 - Off to a slow start!
    3/2 - 11007
    3/3 - 7439
    3/4 - 5321 - Need to pick it up.
    3/5 - 10835
    3/6 - 10321
    3/7 - 8723
    3/8 - 10773
    3/9 - 10669
    3/10 - 10835
    3/11 - 7151 - hmmm
    3/12 - 6846 - Looks like I need to get on my feet earlier in the day to front load the count.
    3/13 - 11463
    3/14 - 10397
    3/15 - 6167 Airport travel day.
    3/16 - 2584 - visiting my mother
    3/17 - 3060 - still visiting
    3/18 - 7434 - Travel home day.
    3/19 - 6200
    3/20 - 10944
    3/21 - 8796
    3/22 - 10442

    Goal today is 10,000.
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    3/7 -- 2983 (not a good start but things will get better)
    3/8 -- 3707 (ever so slowly the steps creep up. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get a chance to do some good walking).
    3/9 -- 1979 (tomorrow is another day)
    3/10 -- 16,899 (whew!!)
    3/11 -- 2103 (thinking I need to be more consistent!)
    3/12 -- 3309
    3/13 -- 6128 (hopefully I will have a little more free time the next couple days)
    3/14 -- 3409 (started working extremely early and ended up napping late afternoon/early eve)
    3/15 -- 3074 (did 1 hr biking so didn't get the steps in today)
    3/16 -- 1311 (pathetic!)
    3/17 -- 10927 (now that's where I SHOULD be at every day)
    3/18 -- 12,295
    3/19 -- 5831 (did some biking)
    3/20 -- 2980 (did biking)
    3/21 -- 2951 (did biking)
    3/22 -- 2545 (biked again)
    3/23 -- 7533
    3/24 --
    3/25 --
    3/26 --
    3/27 --
    3/28 --
    3/29 --
    3/30 --
    3/31 --
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    3/01= 11,282
    3/03= 4,890 (exhausted resting)
    03/04= 4,435 (exhausted resting)
    03/05= 10,630
    03/06= 12,133
    03/07= 7,064
    03/08= 8,935
    03/09= 12,747
    03/10= 6,450
    03/11= 9,257 (did a 5k)
    03/12= 9,290 (shin splints bad)
    03/13= 13,578
    03/14= 10,551
    03/15= 6,261 (on the road)
    03/16= 13.225
    03/17= 10,613 (5k)
    03/18= 6,824 (rest day)
    03/19= 8,389 ( on the road 8 hours )
    03/20= 15,116
    03/21= 10,266 sub total 204,202
    03/22= 10,093
    03/23= 12,321


  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    3/1 - 6967 - Off to a slow start!
    3/2 - 11007
    3/3 - 7439
    3/4 - 5321 - Need to pick it up.
    3/5 - 10835
    3/6 - 10321
    3/7 - 8723
    3/8 - 10773
    3/9 - 10669
    3/10 - 10835
    3/11 - 7151 - hmmm
    3/12 - 6846 - Looks like I need to get on my feet earlier in the day to front load the count.
    3/13 - 11463
    3/14 - 10397
    3/15 - 6167 Airport travel day.
    3/16 - 2584 - visiting my mother
    3/17 - 3060 - still visiting
    3/18 - 7434 - Travel home day.
    3/19 - 6200
    3/20 - 10944
    3/21 - 8796
    3/22 - 10442
    3/23 - 10180
    Today is another travel day. We're going to visit my in-laws this time.

    Goal today is 10,000.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    No I did no stay in bed all day. My step counter just did not work. The screeen was fine but no steps :( I put in a new battery and it seems to be working again.

    Goal is 10,000/day

    3/23 - 0 ?!?
    3/22 - 12,082
    3/21 - 12,093
    3/20 - 9,485
    3/19 - 6,058
    3/18 - 15,078 busy around house and took a hike.
    3/17 - 14,858
    3/16 - 8,850
    3/15 - 7,414
    3/14 - 6,855
    3/13 - 5,570
    3/12 - 7,055
    3/11 - 10,003
    3/10 - 11,224
    3/9 - 9,374
    3/8 - 12,722
    3/7 - 10,033
    3/6 - 18,095
    3/5 - 11,419
    3/4 - 13,558
    3/3 - 16,075
    3/2 - 11,944
    3/1 - 11,064
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    3/01= 11,282
    3/03= 4,890 (exhausted resting)
    03/04= 4,435 (exhausted resting)
    03/05= 10,630
    03/06= 12,133
    03/07= 7,064
    03/08= 8,935
    03/09= 12,747
    03/10= 6,450
    03/11= 9,257 (did a 5k)
    03/12= 9,290 (shin splints bad)
    03/13= 13,578
    03/14= 10,551
    03/15= 6,261 (on the road)
    03/16= 13.225
    03/17= 10,613 (5k)
    03/18= 6,824 (rest day)
    03/19= 8,389 ( on the road 8 hours )
    03/20= 15,116
    03/21= 10,266 sub total 204,202
    03/22= 10,093
    03/23= 12,321
    03/24= 4,784 (rest day)


  • rlpalomino
    Seven days till the end of March. This will be a good way to end on a high note!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    counter seems to be working again. Had to work part of the day and did nto get any hiking in :(

    Goal is 10,000/day

    3/24 - 8,067
    3/23 - 0 ?!?
    3/22 - 12,082
    3/21 - 12,093
    3/20 - 9,485
    3/19 - 6,058
    3/18 - 15,078 busy around house and took a hike.
    3/17 - 14,858
    3/16 - 8,850
    3/15 - 7,414
    3/14 - 6,855
    3/13 - 5,570
    3/12 - 7,055
    3/11 - 10,003
    3/10 - 11,224
    3/9 - 9,374
    3/8 - 12,722
    3/7 - 10,033
    3/6 - 18,095
    3/5 - 11,419
    3/4 - 13,558
    3/3 - 16,075
    3/2 - 11,944
    3/1 - 11,064
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    3/1 - 6967 - Off to a slow start!
    3/2 - 11007
    3/3 - 7439
    3/4 - 5321 - Need to pick it up.
    3/5 - 10835
    3/6 - 10321
    3/7 - 8723
    3/8 - 10773
    3/9 - 10669
    3/10 - 10835
    3/11 - 7151 - hmmm
    3/12 - 6846 - Looks like I need to get on my feet earlier in the day to front load the count.
    3/13 - 11463
    3/14 - 10397
    3/15 - 6167 Airport travel day.
    3/16 - 2584 - visiting my mother
    3/17 - 3060 - still visiting
    3/18 - 7434 - Travel home day.
    3/19 - 6200
    3/20 - 10944
    3/21 - 8796
    3/22 - 10442
    3/23 - 10180
    3/24 - 6169
    Today is another travel day. We're going to visit my in-laws this time.

    Goal today is 10,000.
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    3/7 -- 2983 (not a good start but things will get better)
    3/8 -- 3707 (ever so slowly the steps creep up. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get a chance to do some good walking).
    3/9 -- 1979 (tomorrow is another day)
    3/10 -- 16,899 (whew!!)
    3/11 -- 2103 (thinking I need to be more consistent!)
    3/12 -- 3309
    3/13 -- 6128 (hopefully I will have a little more free time the next couple days)
    3/14 -- 3409 (started working extremely early and ended up napping late afternoon/early eve)
    3/15 -- 3074 (did 1 hr biking so didn't get the steps in today)
    3/16 -- 1311 (pathetic!)
    3/17 -- 10927 (now that's where I SHOULD be at every day)
    3/18 -- 12,295
    3/19 -- 5831 (did some biking)
    3/20 -- 2980 (did biking)
    3/21 -- 2951 (did biking)
    3/22 -- 2545 (biked again)
    3/23 -- 7533
    3/24 -- 6830
    3/25 -- 3444
    3/26 --
    3/27 --
    3/28 --
    3/29 --
    3/30 --
    3/31 --
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    3/01= 11,282
    3/03= 4,890 (exhausted resting)
    03/04= 4,435 (exhausted resting)
    03/05= 10,630
    03/06= 12,133
    03/07= 7,064
    03/08= 8,935
    03/09= 12,747
    03/10= 6,450
    03/11= 9,257 (did a 5k)
    03/12= 9,290 (shin splints bad)
    03/13= 13,578
    03/14= 10,551
    03/15= 6,261 (on the road)
    03/16= 13.225
    03/17= 10,613 (5k)
    03/18= 6,824 (rest day)
    03/19= 8,389 ( on the road 8 hours )
    03/20= 15,116
    03/21= 10,266 sub total 204,202
    03/22= 10,093
    03/23= 12,321
    03/24= 4,784 (rest day)
    03/25= 5,653

  • Mel15sa35
    Mel15sa35 Posts: 35
    03/07= 10,718
    03/08= 8,169
    03/09= 5,337 (you can tell my days off by the fact that I do mall walking before WORK-but not otherwise)
    03/10= 3,177 (man, gotta find ways (motivation) to get moving on my days off!)
    03/11= 4,028
    03/12= 6,134
    03/13= 5,893
    03/14= 10,053 (woo whoo! -so what if I paced in my living room at 11:45pm to get that last 100!)
    03/15= 8,948
    03/16= 4,045
    03/17= 10,047
    03/18= 4948
    03/19= 8103
    03/20= 3903
    03/21= 5802
    03/22= 5484
    03/24= 2328 (fell off at work and didn't get it back until midway through next day)
    03/25= 2805
    03/26= 6520
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member

    I have been wearing a pedometer these past few weeks, and I've noticed that I get from 10,000 - 15,000 steps in a day depending on what I do. I want to try and get a consistent 13,000 steps in per day during this challenge. :-)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    3/1 - 6967 - Off to a slow start!
    3/2 - 11007
    3/3 - 7439
    3/4 - 5321 - Need to pick it up.
    3/5 - 10835
    3/6 - 10321
    3/7 - 8723
    3/8 - 10773
    3/9 - 10669
    3/10 - 10835
    3/11 - 7151 - hmmm
    3/12 - 6846 - Looks like I need to get on my feet earlier in the day to front load the count.
    3/13 - 11463
    3/14 - 10397
    3/15 - 6167 Airport travel day.
    3/16 - 2584 - visiting my mother
    3/17 - 3060 - still visiting
    3/18 - 7434 - Travel home day.
    3/19 - 6200
    3/20 - 10944
    3/21 - 8796
    3/22 - 10442
    3/23 - 10180
    3/24 - 6169
    Today is another travel day. We're going to visit my in-laws this time.
    3/25 - 6113

    Goal today is 10,000.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Work kept me moving today!

    Goal is 10,000/day

    3/26 - 11,635
    3/25 - I was somewhere betwe 6,000 and 8,000 I think but I forgot to input it.
    3/24 - 8,067
    3/23 - 0 ?!?
    3/22 - 12,082
    3/21 - 12,093
    3/20 - 9,485
    3/19 - 6,058
    3/18 - 15,078 busy around house and took a hike.
    3/17 - 14,858
    3/16 - 8,850
    3/15 - 7,414
    3/14 - 6,855
    3/13 - 5,570
    3/12 - 7,055
    3/11 - 10,003
    3/10 - 11,224
    3/9 - 9,374
    3/8 - 12,722
    3/7 - 10,033
    3/6 - 18,095
    3/5 - 11,419
    3/4 - 13,558
    3/3 - 16,075
    3/2 - 11,944
    3/1 - 11,064
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    I have been wearing a pedometer these past few weeks, and I've noticed that I get from 10,000 - 15,000 steps in a day depending on what I do. I want to try and get a consistent 13,000 steps in per day during this challenge. :-)

    Great goal!

    I will be posting the challenge for April in the next day or so.
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    3/7 -- 2983 (not a good start but things will get better)
    3/8 -- 3707 (ever so slowly the steps creep up. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get a chance to do some good walking).
    3/9 -- 1979 (tomorrow is another day)
    3/10 -- 16,899 (whew!!)
    3/11 -- 2103 (thinking I need to be more consistent!)
    3/12 -- 3309
    3/13 -- 6128 (hopefully I will have a little more free time the next couple days)
    3/14 -- 3409 (started working extremely early and ended up napping late afternoon/early eve)
    3/15 -- 3074 (did 1 hr biking so didn't get the steps in today)
    3/16 -- 1311 (pathetic!)
    3/17 -- 10927 (now that's where I SHOULD be at every day)
    3/18 -- 12,295
    3/19 -- 5831 (did some biking)
    3/20 -- 2980 (did biking)
    3/21 -- 2951 (did biking)
    3/22 -- 2545 (biked again)
    3/23 -- 7533
    3/24 -- 6830
    3/25 -- 3444
    3/26 -- 14,837 (not a typo!) YAY:smile:
    3/27 --
    3/28 --
    3/29 --
    3/30 --
    3/31 --