A little help here. ... How do YOU overcome eating sweets?



  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I don't stop myself from enjoying food a little bit.

    On the rare occasions I stick the gun to my head I usually convince myself not to eat something by asking "Do I REALLY want to have to run for an hour to burn this off? Is it THAT worth it?". Sometimes, it is :P
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    I don't. I eat them without going over my calorie goal.
    THIS!! ^^^^^^^
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Giving up sweets was so hard for me but I knew I would never get where I wanted eating them. I don't really crave them at all anymore but I do plan on eating them in moderation again one day. I can bake things now and not even lick my fingers! Just quit eating them and after a couple weeks it gets easier!
  • LisaGamerGirl
    stash oolong black tea flavoured mint chocolate. also, dessert teas by david's tea & dessert gums by juicy fruit.
  • MommyLyssa
    MommyLyssa Posts: 134
    I know this doesn't help you too much- but I just eat them. Sweets are my thing, and I would go crazy without them. I just try to eat well and fit it into my day. Otherwise, my family probably would not want to live with me :o
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    I don't. :( I have the biggest sweet tooth. Just today I ate 3 slices of Angel food cake. I think the key is to eat sweets in moderation IF you can. Some people do better just avoiding sweets all together because (like myself) once you have the first slice you crave more and more.

    Do what you think is best for you. Just remember not to beat yourself up about it when you do allow yourself to eat sweets. :)
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Sugar free Popsicle......ummmm... Tropical box!!!!
  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    Bring some healthy snacks of your own. :wink:
  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    Also remember- those sweets are not worth your self esteem!
  • OneChanceOneLife
    OneChanceOneLife Posts: 26 Member
    I don't think you should deprive yourself of them but try to control them. As bad as my sugar intake is now, it is lightyears away from how bad I was before I started my lifestyle change. I think desserts are the worst because they have much more than just sugar in them, so I cut that out from my diet for the most part. I eat dark chocolate if I really want something for dessert or a spoonful of all natural honey. During the day, sugarless gum helps a lot but make sure not to go nuts because the sugar substitute is a laxative and if you chew a pack a day you will be doing more running (to the br) that you expected, lol.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    My mom always told me "is it worth it?"

    Are the treats something you'll never have the chance to have again? (obviously not if they're around EVERY DAY!)

    Are they treats from the best bakery or the best chocolatier? Or are they from box mixes and the drugstore? Have they been sitting out all day? Are they stale?

    It might be worth it to have a piece of expensive candy someone brought from Switzerland or a fresh bear claw from the good bakery downtown, or a slice of cake your boyfriend made because he read the recipe was "amazing" on the Internet.

    But sabotaging yourself for a few M&M's or cookies from a refrigerator roll or brownies from a box? Please.

    It's not that you'll never have sweets again, it's that you'll only have them when it's WORTH it.
  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    I used to ONLY eat sweats...candy, doughnuts, ice cream EVERY SINGLE DAY. WHen i told my DH i was going to change my eating habbits he didnt think I could do it. But i did....I have found other replacements. Try vitatop muffins in chocolate to cure your chocolate cravings. arctic zero ice cream to cure ice cream cravings (150 calories a pint). Also Ive been starting to bake my own "protein bars" found here http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-eason-livefit-recipes-main-page.html

    THey are good and also cure sweet cravings =)
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    I have to say that everyone who gave a comment is right in some way or another. Like one person said, when I used to allow myself to eat all the sweets I wanted I became really addicted because of the cravings and whatever I ate was never enough. I wanted more and more. Coming to that realization was huge for me. So, sometimes, cutting cold turkey for a while can help regulate your blood sugar so you can eat something every now and then. That's what I had to do back then.

    Also, like another person said, I finally realized that I don't have to eat sweets just because they are there. I almost felt a need at one point as though Krispy Kreme donuts were just going to disappear over night. Once I got into the mind set of, "It will always be there" things got a little easier. I could drive past Krispy Kreme donuts and say, "I'll get it another time." It was really a mental thing.

    And, like a third person said, I don't deprive myself of sweets now that I understand the way my cravings work. When I want something I have it in moderation and if I allow it I really watch my other calories. The key is, now that I know what sweets do to me (causing bad cravings) I just don't have a desire to eat them all the time. So, instead of eating the Little Debbie Iced Honey Bun EVERY time I drive past the store I might get it once every two weeks.

    Finally, the best advice I can give actually agrees with yet another person: find an alternative to the high calorie, sugar laden foods you currently want and crave. I absolutely LOVE Fiber Plus Chocolate Chip Chewy bars. They are only 120 calories and high in fiber. I also love cinnamon graham crackers or honey graham crackers - only 130 calories for 2 full bars (8 pieces). I have also found that the Skinny Cow desserts are really good. They have dreamy clusters (sort of like a turtle candy) that come in a box of little packs and only have 120 calories per pack. But my favorite treat, which to some may sound silly, is Coldstone creamery milk chocolate hot chocolate. I add a few mini marshmallows and sometimes some redi whip. I have to sip it slowly because it's hot so it really does a great job in satisfying the chocolate craving without being a million calories. You can skip adding the marshmallows and redi whip (I do when I haven't burned enough calories in a day) and it will still be good.

    There is also the option of only eating the things that you know the calorie count and then making it a point to work off those extra calories when you get home.

    (PS. I don't usually like to say anything about mates BUT you have to do something about this situation - talk to him, beg, plead, reason, dump.... You can't control what ends up at your job but you should have some say over what comes into your home. It's like being an alcoholic and your boyfriend opens a bar in the living room. It's only going to continue to hinder you. He should care about your goals and what's hurting you).

    Good luck to you! If I can beat eating sweets all the time, I know you can too. Don't give up!
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    As I lick the chocolate and coconut off my fingers to type this (lol). Everything in moderation!! I find that if I try to deprive myself I will ultimately fail miserably-so I allow myself small portion sizes of sweets.
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Sorry my above post is so long. I don't realize how much I "talk". :-)
  • PeacheyQueen
    I overcome sweets by thinking about how I want to lose a few inches from where my waist & hips and how it's not good for you. I've never had trouble turning down sweets just because they are there. so that also really helped me. beign in college, its crucial for me to stay fit, im always worried about gaining weight, especially since its not really freshman 15 anymore its more like freshman 30. so far the most ive gained beign in college is 3 lbs. which im proud because i dont want to be over weight. i lov ehavign this fitness pal so it helps me up with my foods & ect. staying fit is my thing.
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    I have the same sweet tooth that you do! I have given up all desserts and baked goods for lent and this past week was really tough! 8 days into it though and my cravings are almost gone! I have found that if I need something sweet (I usually have one serving of ice cream every night if its within my calories) I mix equal parts frozen fruit and nonfat milk into a super thick smoothie and satisfy my sweet tooth and ice cream craving generally for under 100 calls (1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup fruit).

    We've given up desserts and baked goods for Lent too! And I can honestly say I am stronger now when it comes to my will power. My children were made with sweets! haha, to the point where I got Gestational Diabetes, went on the diets for them and was still able to have my sweets. Anywho, now I am able to just look and then look away. I thought it would be harder, but it's gotten a lot better. The first couple days sucked. Last Saturday I turned down a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing and sprinkles! They even sent us home with some for the kids and we haven't touched em! I'm so proud of the hubs and I! Anywho, when I want something sweet, I just have it in fruit form. Like, strawberries with a bit of splenda, or a protein fruit smoothie shake, just like hers ^ but we add some yogurt to the mix. If you really feel that you don't want to eat it, you won't. If you just can't help yourself and need some, have that serving, log it and be accountable! GOOD LUCK!
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I enjoy my Russell Stovers Sugar Free Chocolates from time to time, sweetened with Splenda. I work out extra hard if I indulge. For the most part I am on a lower carb diet (100g carbs or less) and I do not have the cravings that I once had. The sugar smell that I get from walking through the grocery store bakery no longer smells good to me, I do not like the smell. Finally I am healthy and I love myself enough to leave all the junk out of my diet, for the first time in a long time I got my priorities straight!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm not a believer in denying myself what I want. If you can work it into you calorie goal, then go for it. That is of course after some good healthy eating!! ;)
  • trishka48
    trishka48 Posts: 51 Member
    My mom always told me "is it worth it?"

    Are the treats something you'll never have the chance to have again? (obviously not if they're around EVERY DAY!)

    Are they treats from the best bakery or the best chocolatier? Or are they from box mixes and the drugstore? Have they been sitting out all day? Are they stale?

    It might be worth it to have a piece of expensive candy someone brought from Switzerland or a fresh bear claw from the good bakery downtown, or a slice of cake your boyfriend made because he read the recipe was "amazing" on the Internet.

    But sabotaging yourself for a few M&M's or cookies from a refrigerator roll or brownies from a box? Please.

    It's not that you'll never have sweets again, it's that you'll only have them when it's WORTH it.

    I like this, for me, this puts things into some perspective. Currently, we are off the sugar wagon. But it is so hard. Well put.