Gril Talk (That "time" of the month)

Hi ladies,

I know a lot of women don't feel comfortable talking about their time of the month, so I hope I don't get discriminated for making this post. I feel that we should be able to talk freely about topics. Especially one that happens EVERY month, haha!

My questions are:
Does your weight go up when you're on your period?
Do you have cravings?
If you do get cravings, do you have any tips or tricks on how to curb them?

ps -- I just noticed my typo in the header, it should read GIRL talk, haha! :)


  • AJs_Journey
    Yes my weight goes up about 4 or 5 pounds, cravings are carbs.. so many carbs calling me... I most of the time just drink more water or tea.
  • melanielee86
    melanielee86 Posts: 31 Member
    It's crazy how much my weight goes up too! Thanks so much for commenting! :) I'll have to try the water trick for sure!
  • vsthinspiration
    I usually don't go up until I give into my cravings and eat EVERYTHING in sight. It's almost impossible to not eat everything for me :/
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Even tho' I don't always "feel" like exercising during that T.O.M. - I force myself to, because it usually makes me feel better afterward.
    Exercise also helps to keep a person from retaining as much fluid. And YES, drinking alot of water helps, because it helps flush out that retained fluid.
    Also, exercise releases endorphins, which are your "feel good" hormones - helps to combat those "I just wanna be a witch" hormones :)
    Stay busy with hobbies or projects - takes your mind of the munchies!

    ~~Prairie Rose
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I seem to be the opposite of most women.
    My weight goes down during TOM and I don't have cravings.
  • stepakiko2011
    My weight goes up and I crave chocolate. A good tip to drink even more water during this time! Thank you!
  • miss_september
    My weight goes up slightly, or else stays the same. Exercise helps with cravings and mood...a lot! I usually crave something cheesy...and we just make home-made pizza or quesadillas with low-fat cheese and lots of good ingredients. It fits in with my daily calories, and what doesn't, I just work out extra to make up for =-).
  • kaybelmore
    1) Always goes up, its water weight but not even herbal remedies can shake it.
    2) Totally, sometimes for iron which foods (body needs it), sometimes sugar. The sugar cravings are due to a steep drop in your serotonin levels. Sugar is a quick jolt to make you happy.
    3) I try to eat healthier sweets like fruit, black strap molasses (sticky, sweet, chock full of iron, and 42 cal/serving ), or i mix unsweetened cocoa powder in with snacks like oatmeal or cereal. The unsweetened powder works particularly well ;) Drink lots of water and do an activity that makes you happy to boost your serotonin.

    Worth a try anyway <3
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    I'm on mine right now and I haven't had any cravings and I've lost weight, not sure if I'm carrying any water weight...would be good if I was then I'd weigh less when its finished hehe. Although if I get cravings for foods in general I love spicy cashew nuts, delish!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    My cycles are around 30 days long. Around day 15 I will be up about 2-3lbs and it will stay up until about day 25 and then I will lose the 2-3 I gained and most of the time another 1-2lbs.

    From around days 18-28 I am starving and crave fast food and chocolate like a crazy monster. It is insane. The only way to make the cravings go away is to eat them. Period. That's the only thing that works for me. I try very hard to stay under my calories on these days, and most days I do, but I do not make good choices with what goes in my body during this time. Even still, I am doing 100% better than before I started this journey so I am ok with it. :happy:

    BTW today is day 19 and I am so hungry I want to chew my arm off, and I have eaten a lot of food already today. Blah.
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    Aww, man. When you said "gril" talk I thought you misspelt "grill" and I got all excited. I suppose my "time of the month" I thought you meant veggie burger season.
    This isn't nearly as exciting.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I don't weigh myself during my period - I can SEE the belly bloat for myself so I don't need the number on the scales to confirm what I already know! I don't really crave anything but I do feel hungrier in general and feel I need more food.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    1. YES
    2. YES
    3. NO (not for lack of trying to find that magic cure)

  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Yeah, my weight goes up.
    I do have cravings usually for sweet things, if they're not in the house I won't eat them.
    I've been buying substitutes for most sweet things I'd eat like low fat Ice cream and stuff. So I don't feel as bad when I do get cravings. :)
  • time2bhealthy
    time2bhealthy Posts: 211 Member
    My weight may go up but only by 1-2 lbs. I get major chocolate cravings. The funny thing is, my husband knows it is close to that time of month when I cave and make a batch of brownies. I try to fight the urge but the only way it goes away is if I have just one!
  • Allihexen
    Allihexen Posts: 111 Member
    My weight does go up sadly due to ALL water gain as well as me just sitting/laying around due to the cramps. I do, however, try to work be it outside, moving furniture, etc. It does help with the pain. Also, for snacks, I tend to crave something salty (chips or the like), but I end up eating saltines or other crackers. I eat a lot of fruit as well.
  • LoveAngie23
    I usually don't go up until I give into my cravings and eat EVERYTHING in sight. It's almost impossible to not eat everything for me :/

    ditto. I am pretty good at staying close to my 1200 calorie limit usually, but when that "time" comes i can easily eat 3000/day :blushing: awful
  • stablesong
    I refuse to touch the scale or the tape measurer anywhere near my period. I bloat so much. I literally look several months pregnant during the first few days of my period. I crave sweets and junk food. If I just HAVE to have something sweet, I like fruit and the chocolatey flavors of Special K bars. (I just ate one actually.) I try to exercise because everyone tells me it helps cramps (it never does) but I will take a day at the gym much lighter than normal. Today I made myself go but only exercised a little bit. I have NO energy most days.
  • sweetiepaia
    sweetiepaia Posts: 68 Member
    If its not nailed to the floor, I'm eating it.....and if its chocolate, watch out, dont stand between me and my chocolate in my t.o.m!!! I try. oh god do I try, but hard being a chocoholic
  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    My weight goes up HEAPS. My record is 5kg (11lb), although usually it's around 1-2kg (2-4.5lb). I retain water like a camel and I'm usually constipated too, so bloated like you wouldn't believe, even when I'm having a ton of fibre and loads of water. All in all, it's a really FUN few days for me. :tongue:

    I always crave bacon, and often sugar too. My favourite TOM food is french toast with bacon and maple syrup. I just eat it and don't worry too much about the calories - because if I try to resist the cravings I end up eating everything else under the sun, then have the thing I was craving anyway. The weight gain is temporary and always comes off in the following week. It means I have two weeks of the month where my weight is all over the place, but on the other weeks it's fine and I'm still losing slowly so I don't stress about it. Well, I TRY not to stress about it!

    I do a 6km (3.7 mile) walk 5 days a week. When it's TOM I still do it but it usually takes me a bit longer. Sometimes I do a shorter walk. And sometimes I lie on the couch feeling sorry for myself and eating chocolate. :wink: