New and In need

Hi everyone, my name is Cody, I'm 20 years old and looking for a bit of support. Everyone around me gives the usual spiel about how 'I'm perfect I dont need to loose weight.' I mean I'm only looking to loose 25 lbs (140lbs to 125 lbs) but the hard part is the actual weight lose and maintaining it.

The app is great for keeping a record but it's so hard not to just sit around and eat. Today I've done all sorts of yoga stretches and took walks with my dogs but it seems the more I exercise the more I want to eat once I stop it's to the point I'm eating junk just to fill the want for food when I know I dont need to eat more.

So I guess I'm just trying to find people with any advice and support that are willing to be friends.

Well thanks for reading all of this *laughs*


  • I'll be here for u. No matter if it's 5 lbs or 50 lbs, it's all hard to lose. Add me as a friend.
  • Codettea
    Codettea Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you! I really appreciate it!
  • Hey I'm Allie and I'm in your boat too. I need that extra push and this site has really helped feel free to add me. I live a crazy life and try to squeeze it in and what I have learned is that I was not going to loose weight until I wanted to. You rock and keep up the good work!!!!
  • You can do it! Im there! Friend me!
  • hjb85
    hjb85 Posts: 14 Member
    Ummm, isn't that only 15lbs?
  • optional1
    optional1 Posts: 15 Member
    something that works for me is to have a goal like by easter you want to buy a new outfit but you want to be a certain size by that day. i always use holidays, events , gatherings, my birthday theres always something. it gave me good habits. now im working on my overall muscle tone . and always do a small goal every week like learning to do something new in your workouts for a body part you can learn so much on youtube . or trying a new recipe or taking out something in your diet that week that you know you shoud'nt have. goals i beleive, are the key
  • Codettea
    Codettea Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone ^.^
    @ hjb85; yes I know, I meant to put 15, but got ahead of myself when placing how much I was to my goal, I realized when I submitted the post, but I couldn't find an edit button.