Have you lost a lot of weight even though you don't eat clea

I am 54 yrs old & in all I've lost 14.6 ( 32lbs ) kilos since mid August 2011. Right from the first week it has been in dribs and drabs, my doc is happy about that even if I'm not. She thinks the slower the better. I get anxious, I want it off.

My question comes from the fact that as of this morning I am only .6 down from the 3rd of Feb. One month I have lost .6!
It's a loss but it's frustrating.
I did have an extra loss in there of another .3 but it just wouldn't stay off. I'm trying hard to get that .3 off to move on again, what a struggle.

I like my little treats, my bread, I know I could eat more fruit and veg but how much of a difference does it really make?
I rarely eat all my exercise calories as I don't have a HRM. I aim to eat none or no more than half of them just in case.
I rarely go over my cal allowance and when I do I get back on track pretty fast.
I exercise . I have gradually been cutting out processed meats, packaged meals, healthier bread, etc. I do eat a lot differently now. I drink my water. I have downed my calories, I have upped my calories,nothing helps move it faster. I'm not a great sleeper , pretty bad actually so I wonder if that is slowing me down but can't seem to rectify that yet.
I would love to eat clean all the time but I can't, I know I would give up really easy if I start feeling deprived and like I'm on a diet per se.
Knowing I can have a bit of chocolate or a biscuit with my cuppa makes it all seem so much easier.
Is this why it's so slow? Can I keep eating like that or do I have to completely change to see better results.

I feel stuck and I'm not even 1/4 of the way yet, how on earth can I keep going to the end if it's this frustrating.
Not giving up , just searching for a few possible answers.


  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I do not eat clean, and I've lost a total of about 50 pounds now. It took a total of about 3 years to lose that much, but I did it! :)

    You've lost 32 pounds in 6 months. That's over 5 pounds a month, which is fantastic!! Just keep doing what you're doing. Looks like it's working just fine. :)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I do not eat totally clean.
    I eat what I want, when I'm hungry & most times stay within my calories. (rarely over)
    I see nothing wrong with clean eating but think if the body is used to eating unhealthy
    it'll take time to wean it away from the bad stuff.
    I may not eat totally clean--I have a savory tooth, don't mind sweets but I crave more savory (salty) snacks.

    Started MFP the end of June 2011 and have lost 70 lbs in that time. I still have a long way to go though.
    You can do it, don't give up =]
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    I think your doing great. You have accomplished alot. Maybe cut out any white flour breads and start increasing the weights and change your cardio to interval cardio. Incline, then no incline, incline and no incline. This should shake things up a bit. The weights and cardio intravel training worked for me. Hope this helps.
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks guys,

    I guess looking at it in pounds does make it sound different to kilos. 5 pound a month sounds way better than 2 .5 kilos average. I wasn't really looking at an average at all, just focusing on this last month.
    This month no where near that average.

    I might up and change exercise, sounds like a good idea. I do tend to do the same things over and over. I eat very little white bread now , in fact I eat a lot less bread full stop. I used to eat heaps of bread in a day, not now. Looking at that I know I"m eating a lot cleaner than before.

    Weird month for me with weight, all over the place, hoping March will be better.
    Thanks again