How are some people not hungry when below their calories?

I always see posts about some people having trouble eating enough. I'd be so drained during my work outs if I don't eat enough.

For everyone who has trouble eating enough is it more mental or are you just not hungry anymore?


  • LuciendaB
    I honestly dont know how I'm not hungry, I love food and I definitely did not start myself but according to my food diary I should have eaten another 1013 calories. I made sure I listed everything I ate, But I still had so many calories left over. Maybe the caloric intake is off? The more protein you eat the less hungry you feel, so that could definitely be it..
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    A lot of hormonal and mental issue go into feelings of hunger and why people eat.

    If it wereas simple as calorie needs, no one would ever get fat.
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    Good question, and I'd say UponThisRock is right...

    There are days (like today) I feel ravenous lol, and have NO problem eating all of my calories, and other days where I have to make myself reach 1300 calories.

    Hormones, mental state, etc, I guess are at play...and other things we probably aren't aware of.
  • aSunflower
    aSunflower Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know why either. I finally decided on some rules:

    1. Always eat at least 1200 calories.
    2. On M/W/F- always eat back all my exercise calories.
    3. The rest of the week I attempt to eat at least half.

    I can tell you that since I started really exercising (Zumba and more) I do actually get hungry more. My body wants its exercise calories back!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I wish I could have that problem lol. I was getting dizzy during any weight training when I was eating 1200 calories a day so I upped it to 1400 and that stopped. I tend to eat over a lot too but I still seem to be losing around 1lb a week. I have mine set for a 1lb a week loss anyway. My bmr must be higher maybe because I eat over by 300-500 cals quite often.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    after prolonged undereating you actually become less hungry.A huge part of it is mental but it's also physical. Your body learns to function on fewer calories which isn't ideal actually.
  • Willpowerofsteel
    I don't know either! I had my calorie goals set at a 2 lb/week weight loss and I just couldn't do it, I was starving all day long! I upped them to a 1 lb/week weight loss and now I'm much happier. I always get confused when someone's goal is like 1200 calories and they are asking for advice on how to eat more.
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    For me it's all mental honestly. I find food exhausting and I'm uninterested in it. I will forget to eat some times. I'll admit though I haven't had the overweight issue. Ay 5'10 my highest has been 141 and my lowest is 104.5.
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    Agree with the above(not directly above I enjoy food too much) . personally sometimes I dont get hungry and because of the types of food I eat this is normal lots of fresh fruit etc. I have 1200 calories per day before exercise and I feel like I am constantlyy eating . I'm always like oh it's food time again. Other days usually when I have been on my feet a lot or done extra exercise I am ravenous and could eat a big fat sandwich . Luckily those days are few and far between. I'm losing around 1.5 pounds per week.
  • wendinbill

    There are days (like today) I feel ravenous lol, and have NO problem eating all of my calories, and other days where I have to make myself reach 1300 calories.

    Hormones, mental state, etc, I guess are at play...and other things we probably aren't aware of.

    Ditto. Some days I am fine with some left, other days I am starving. Yesterday I had nearly 400 left! Today, I made myself eat a granola bar to use up some. (these are workout calories, mind you.) When I have only 1200, I eat those babies!!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I think it would depend on a variety of things... Each person's metabolism is different, each person drinks different amounts of water, some people have different sized stomachs, etc. It could be that they are eating way more vegetables and lean proteins so it helps them stay fuller longer without consuming too many cals.
  • neesey918
    neesey918 Posts: 11
    For me, drinking extra water helps with that. Also if you're really hungry and can't afford the calories, Sugar Free Jello can satisfy.
  • kris523sydney
    I guess you get used to eating less.
  • Jers43
    Jers43 Posts: 100
    when I get busy at work or play sometimes I just forget to eat. I get so into what I am doing. Monday I worked 16 hrs till 2 am and was slammed busy ... got hungry at 2am had to settle for 7-11 nachos!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I only get ravenous on days that I have absolutely smashed myself with weights and/or cardio. And even then I remain under, just make sure to have my bigger meal after my work out :)

    I don't really get too hungry nowadays because I'm constantly eating small meals throughout the day, and drinking heaps of water.

    Oh and I also have a huge *kitten* bowl of dinner every night. It usually averages between 300-350 cals, I just beef it up with tons of veggies, and my 55 cal buckwheat ramen :D
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I always see posts about some people having trouble eating enough. I'd be so drained during my work outs if I don't eat enough.

    For everyone who has trouble eating enough is it more mental or are you just not hungry anymore?

    It all depends upon what a person eats, rather than their calorie amount. Lots of protein is very filling, but lots of carbs are not - it will be the carbs that are high in calories though.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    after prolonged undereating you actually become less hungry.A huge part of it is mental but it's also physical. Your body learns to function on fewer calories which isn't ideal actually.

    This is very correct.

    As for me, I know how to make a few calories go a long way. And part of it IS mental. I can't "allow" myself to eat more than a certain amount on purpose.
  • mrsking218
    mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
    Got me! I love food and I ALWAYS eat all my calories, and definitely could eat a lot more (but try not to!) Even when I'm "under" its usually by a tiny amount. And that's set at 1 pound lost a week. I have no idea how the 2 pound loss a week people do it! Definitely not for me!
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    It seems to me to depend on what I ate. Some days I had really filling low calorie meals and they just stuck with me. Other times meals left me hungry in a couple of hours. So I have been trying to modify the low cal high fill meals and have more of them! I love chicken with salsa and red orage yellow and green peppers, I put it in an 80 cal tortilla with a tbsp of fat free sour cream and a little reduced fat shredded cheese and it keeps me full for a long time, even with me doing the 30 day shred!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Got me! I love food and I ALWAYS eat all my calories, and definitely could eat a lot more (but try not to!) Even when I'm "under" its usually by a tiny amount. And that's set at 1 pound lost a week. I have no idea how the 2 pound loss a week people do it! Definitely not for me!

    Lol same for me. I think I might be under estimating my calorie losses as well. I lift heavy 3 to 4 times a week and mfp says I burn around 130 cals each time. Thats probably why eating over by so much isn't affecting me yet.