Should I add work, or is it calculated

Hello everyone!

I'm new to the fitness pal and I have a question, should I add in the exercise I get at work or does this already calculate when I add what kind of work I do (example: sedentary)? I don't want to cheat myself put of exercise if it doesn't calculate but I don't want to give myself exercise if it's already calculated on the amount of calories I should consume. Does anyone else add in what they do at work? Or should I leave it as already counted?


  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    its built in least that is how i see in the "what type of lifestyle" question
  • lgord92
    lgord92 Posts: 34
    From what I have seen, I don't believe it's built in. I add the exercise I get on campus and work. I believe that it just needs to determine what kind of lifestyle you have, then it calculates how many calories you should be eating due to that lifestyle.