Couch25k...week 4...questions

I just completed week 4 day 1 of couch25k-treadmill. I am a little dissapointed with how things have progressed. Weeks 1 through 3, I walked at 3.5 and ran at 5.0. However, day3 week3 was really, really tough and I nearly didn't make it through. After a rest day I started week4 day 1 walking at 3.5 and running at 5, but I had to take a break after the first 3 min segment. (week 4 is the first week where 5 minute segments are included) I knew I was never going to finish the workout running at 5.0, so I went down to 4.5 and it was still tough but I made it. I have read some of the previous posts about couch25k and it seemed that most people are running at least at 5.0 so that is some of why I am dissapointed.
(I'm 5'9 - 159 lbs, eat 1400cals a day give or take)

So here are my questions for couch25kers:

1. How fast do you run and if you don't mind sharing your weight and height?
2. Did you always skip a day between workouts and do you do other cardio on those days?
3. Do you ever have to take breaks during workouts?
4. How do you know if you should redo a week?

Thanks for any input, I am just trying to get a perspective of how others are going about this.


  • shymetallicagrl
    shymetallicagrl Posts: 9 Member
    ive done this program twice now and have not completed it yet ....3rd times a charm....i run outside ive done a few of the work outs inside but i like it better outside. but when i do use my treadmill i walk 3.5 and run at whatever i can breath at lol...the first two times i did not take breaks during the work outs i have repeated weeks before and i normally take a day off btw each run. i did not do other cardio......however im on my third try i will finish this time! i made it all the way to week 8 last time i was so close i should have just finished it lol....silly now im only on week 2 but i can tell you if i was on the treadmill i would not be able to run at 5.0. i have a gps watch so i tells me my pace when im outside and how far ive gone. good luck!
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Good luck!
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    Take it slow and don't rush it. I have been running the program outside & I will be on W6 after tomorrows 20 min run. I only had to run on the Treadmill one time and I think my speed was 5.1 but that was in W2 when the runs were shorter. I wouldn't worry about speed because as you progress through the program your endurance will build & you will get faster. I am 5'6 and 245lbs. I have never had to repeat a week. On the "rest" days, I still exercise with some type of strength/cardio workout, I either do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or 30-45 mins on the Elliptical Trainer. Take your time & seriously do not worry about speed, it is amazing how strong your body will become.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks! That gives me hope. =)
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think around Week 4 I was running at 4.5 to 5.2 mph - trying to decipher the logs on my iPhone right now... It varied. I run outside on somewhat hilly terrain. I am in Week 9 now, in which I am supposed to run 30 min straight, and I actually a little more and ran the entire 5K last run in 33.5 min, so that is 5.5 mph. My last few weeks I seem to be averaging around there. I am 5'6", 143 pounds. I always skip a day between runs. I run 3 days a week and I do a strength training kettlebell workout the other 3. In the beginning of my C25K I was doing 30DS and then Ripped in 30. Now I am doing more non-cardio strength training.

    I am surprised that I have been able to increase my pace as I am running further! Yesterday's run was much easier than some others have been (didn't feel like my lungs were going to fall out) - guess I was in the zone! I usually push hard - no way I can carry on a conversation while running.
  • willismack2
    I am 5'11 187lbs and 54yr old. A couple of years ago I could run a Half Marathon at around a 9 minute per mile pace (6.6 on Treadmill), then I got hurt. I am just now over my injury and I am starting to run again. I am not doing the exact Couch25k but I am doing very similar workouts with Run/Walk structure. My treadmill speed is currently 4.3 to 4.6 and that is all I can handle for 5 minutes and then I walk. Sometimes I stop and do more walking than running. The time spent moving on your feet is what matters. This is Week3.

    I am not discouraged and you should not be either. The speed doesnt matter because by the end of several weeks you will see that it gets easier. Once you get over the hump towards the end of the program your progression will be even faster. So, follow the program and if at the end of the week you feel like you are not ready to move on just repeat the week again. It will all come in time. Hopefully running will be as enjoyable to you as it has been for me. Good Luck
  • Evanstl
    Evanstl Posts: 44 Member
    I started this program the day after christmas and made it to week 6 and tore my knee in 2 places so I had to quit. but at first I started running fast like you are and got horrible shin splints and calf cramps. I was afraid I wasnt gonna make it thru either. I ended up slowing way down and it was much better. I actually ran at 3.5-3.8 and walked at a slower pace. So, slow down a bit and work your way up gradually. good luck. I look forward to restarting this program once I am post surgery and am cleared to run again.
  • shymetallicagrl
    shymetallicagrl Posts: 9 Member
    i did w2d2 on the treadmill this morning to give it a actually 3 mins faster on my mile outside lol but i walked at 3.0-3.5 and ran at 4.0-4.2 today it was early and i had a late night but i pushed thru and will do the next outside...i think its easier cuz you dont have the clock and speed and calories and everything staring you right in the face outside i pick a point ahead and then say ill check the clock when i get there

    also a personal trainer told me once to put the treadmill on an incline for your 5 min warm up then lower it for the rest of the work out that it tricks your brain into thinking your running downhill even though its flat

    and try putting a towel over the timer that helps too! you can do it....ive almost done it twice and im short and fat lol
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I am 5'5" and 159. The first time I did the C25K, I walked at 3.5 and jogged at 4.5. This time through (I am on week 7), I am walking at 3.9 and jogging at 5.0. I do cardio every day, C25K three days a week and the arc trainer the other 4 days.

    From what I have read here, most people are encouraged to jog at whatever speed they can complete the workout at. After you reach the end of the C25K, you can work on your speed. Distance first, speed second. I hope to get up to at least 6 mph once I am through with the training.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks for the tips! good luck to everyone.
    I wish I can run outside, but we live on a rural curvy road where people fly 90 miles an hour and I prefer to be alive. lol
    I will try to start making it to the park.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Man- week 4 kicked my butt so I did it twice and I am so glad I did because it made week 5 easier to complete. I find running any slower than 5.0 hurts my legs so that is the speed I pretty much keep it at. Keep it up chick, I personally think week 6 is going to be a week I just might repeat and am scared to death of day three's 25 minute run! ;)