Trouble Sleeping when eating Low-Cal

Hi! I am new to MFP and would like some advice. I am vegetarian and pretty active (burning an average of 400 calories a day, much of it through swimming, hiking and skate skiing) and I find I tend to eat over my allotted calories by maybe 200 a day, give or take. My problem is, if I stick with the calorie plan without going over (and this is eating back my exercise calories) I am so hungry by bedtime that I have a really hard time getting to sleep and then staying asleep. I keep waking up feeling uncomfortable because I am hungry. I wonder if it is purely psychological but I don't know if that is why either. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do? Is there anything I could be eating during the day that would help me feel better at night, or should I allot some calories for a bedtime snack? I don't like the idea of messing things up by eating in the evening but right now that is what I am doing. Thanks for your ideas!


  • karisma81
    karisma81 Posts: 71 Member
    I keep a bowl of hardboiled eggs in the fridge for the week. If I'm hungry at night I have one. An egg is only 80 calories and very filling.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Play around with when you eat your meals - maybe something more substantial at night would help you sleep better - I sometimes have some almonds last thing at night - and I find that I don't need very many (6 or 8 is enough) to settle my stomach down. There is no reason why you can't eat late at night, as long as you have allowed for the calories.
    My other suggestion is to relook at your goals - perhaps you have set up a calorie deficit that is too aggressive to start with - there is no reason why you can't cut your calories down gradually - have a look at your maintenance caloires and take them down 200 or so for the first few days, then cut another 200 etc - you might find this better for you to get used to eating less.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I keep a bowl of hardboiled eggs in the fridge for the week. If I'm hungry at night I have one. An egg is only 80 calories and very filling.

    awkward since the OP stated she was vegetarian..

    How much protein are you eating a day? Protein makes us feel fuller and I know a lot of vegetarians have trouble getting a proper amount..
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    A couple thoughts

    1) It's possible you are burning more in a day than the 400 you are logging. Have you been a member long enough to see any patterns? If you are losing more than MPF predicts, I would say give yourself a few more calories a day and see how it goes.

    2) How much per week are you trying to lose? Your goal may be too high, maybe give yourself a few more calories and take it slower.

    3) Either way, eat at night if that's when you get hungry. I am not a breakfast person, I eat about 10% of my calories before 1pm, and about 50% of them after 5pm. It's 9pm, I have 300 calories left, and I plan to eat them all before I go to bed in an hour. I have been steadily losing, so I don't plan on changing anything unless I quit losing.
  • cheyniemama
    Well, I don't k now if you do eggs or dairy or not. I am not a vegetarian, but I don't do a whole lot of meat, etc.

    I am fuller way longer when I eat oatmeal in the morning, and I add chia seeds, which are supposed to slow the digestion a little, and have fiber.

    I am all about the 100 calorie pack popcorn because it is, well, just 100 cal and filling (again, fiber)

    I try to save calories for a bedtime snack that is filling, like a bowl of cereal with milk.

    The more water I drink, the less hungry I am. Usually when I go over, I see that I drank hardly anything that day.

    Have you tried the morningstar veggie burgers from costco? One of those with a sandwich thin for a bun is only 250 calories plain, and is really filling too.

    Hmmm, I also do the individual hummus cups from costco and the sweet baby peppers to dip.

    And carrots, I could eat good baby carrots all day and they are filling in a good way!

    Good luck!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I keep a bowl of hardboiled eggs in the fridge for the week. If I'm hungry at night I have one. An egg is only 80 calories and very filling.

    awkward since the OP stated she was vegetarian..

    How much protein are you eating a day? Protein makes us feel fuller and I know a lot of vegetarians have trouble getting a proper amount..

    She did not say she is vegan. Plenty of vegetarians eat animal products including eggs and dairy.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    It may be your body's way of letting you know you need to balance your macro nutrients. I did a ketosis diet and low carb diets before and had the same problem with sleep, hunger and discomfort. I needed carbs. If you open your diary, you can get better feedback on what could help from other vegetarians who can do it well. Without more info on what you are eating, and what your goals are, I really can't help much but to suggest an imbalance may be the problem.

    In my experience, it's tough to get enough protein to rebuild and fuel an active body without eating meat, especially if you are cutting calories. If it's not medically or spiritually critical for you to avoid animals and their products, they really are the best source of good protein without a lot of cals and should be incorporated into a balanced nutritional plan. If it is critical, there are groups and forums of vegans and vegetarians who could provide better alternatives to get the trick done. Good luck!
  • kleighsamboer
    Chances are your blood sugar is too low. I am a diabetic and I know that happens to me when my blood sugar isn't in check. I am not saying that you are diabetic or that you need to fret over it but you may need to just balance your sugars and eat a more balance meal at night. if you are worried about protein as someone else suggested dark leafy greens are going to be your best bet for that. Hope this helps!
  • EmMaKe26
    EmMaKe26 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your help and great advice! I really appreciate it.

    Yes, I am vegetarian (have been for most of my life), not vegan (I would have an awful time giving up yogourt!) so I do eat all dairy products and eggs. I don't eat fish or chicken or any other kind of meat.

    Thanks again!