Carrying Calories Over

I struggle everyday to eat all of my calories allowance of 1450, this is the ideal calorie intake for me for the the amount of weight that I would like to lose.

Yesterday I was 500 calories under my target due to being so busy at work and not having time to eat much. I have just told a friend of mine that I am having a friend stay at my house tomorrow night and we will be eating in and the the calories I didn't eat yesterday will be used up tomorrow as I am carrying them over. She said that I couldn't do that, I have done that before on other diets and it has worked for me. I know why she said it, she is heavily into her fitness and weighs herself everyday (which I have told her off about as it is recommended that you only weigh yourself once a week.

What are other peoples views on carrying calories over???


P.s feel free to add me.

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