Zumba for Wii?

Hi! I attend a Zumba class once a week and LOVE it. I'm wondering anyone has Zumba for wii and how it compares to a class and if you like in general. I'm thinking about investing in it for a mid-week change up in my routine. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  • mom2scc
    mom2scc Posts: 99 Member
    They are simlar but i have to say class is more fun! but you still can burn lots of cals doing it on wii at home too. i suggest getting zumba rush which is the newest one it tell you how many cals you burn so it easy to keep track.
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    I have the Zumba Exilarate which I love and feel really good when I do the workouts. The program is just CD's, it isn't for the Wii, but is something that can be done at home. It has been a fun challenge and something I recommend.
  • kwortham
    kwortham Posts: 48 Member
    I have Wii Zumba 2 and I love it!! I have gone to classes and I think the game is comparable. You just don't have the fun of being with other people. But I do get quite a laugh thinking about how I look doing some of the dances. :laugh: It is a great workout and the calories burned seem to be pretty close to what my HRM reads. The music is good and you can track your progress. You can also choose the length and intensity of the "class". I think it is awesome and I use it all the time!