I need Help With Adding Foods

Ok here's the deal.. say I am on breakfast and I hit add food, all my foods i've ever put in for breakfast pop up making it easy to find the food and enter it..

My question is if I am in breakfast and say have had something that I've posted under a lunch before, how do I find that food or do I have to look it up again for breakfast, although I know it's under my lunch list as having it before..

Does that make sense ?

Is there a way to make all your foods that you have eaten show up so you can just choose ???

Thanks everyone ;)


  • mbmempireranch
    Ok here's the deal.. say I am on breakfast and I hit add food, all my foods i've ever put in for breakfast pop up making it easy to find the food and enter it..

    My question is if I am in breakfast and say have had something that I've posted under a lunch before, how do I find that food or do I have to look it up again for breakfast, although I know it's under my lunch list as having it before..

    Does that make sense ?

    Is there a way to make all your foods that you have eaten show up so you can just choose ???

    Thanks everyone ;)
  • BlazinEmerald
    no sorry, I know it's a pain sometimes but different meal ya gotta look it up again to add it to breakfast.
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    click on the meal that the food is already in . . . for example, if you had peanut butter for lunch before, but now want to add it to breakfast, add it to lunch first. Then, once it is in the lunch section, click on it there and you can select the correct meal from a drop down, so that it moves to breakfast.

    Hope that helps!
  • jill2768
    jill2768 Posts: 2
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mbmempireranch
    Thanks everyone :)

    SoxyGirl :) That worked perfect; ) Thank you !!!!:flowerforyou:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Just type the food, no matter what meal, into the search section. It should show right up, then add it to the meal you're wanting it in. Hope that makes sense. :smile: