Lunches to take to work?



  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm not sure about the gluten content either, but....

    Salads: You can make something different every day with lettuce, baby spinach or spring greens. Chicken breast, tuna, salmon, ground turkey. Variety of veggies & fat free dressings.

    Wraps: Use a low carb/whole wheat tortilla & use any of the stuff above.

    Dinner left overs: Microwave them

    Plain greek yogurt with fresh berries & granola

    Cottage cheese & fresh fruit

    Turkey, cheese & crackers

    Tuna & crackers
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I like to take 2 cups of Almond Milk (or you could use Moo Juice, if you are so inclined) with 1 serving each of PB2 and Protein powder (I currently use the Herbalife kind, but that is just because we have it, I'm looking for a better powder.) I bring the almond milk in a shaker cup with one of the little metal balls and the PB2 and protein powder in a small container. At lunch, I mix them up and drink.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I take my lunch to work almost every day. Most days its a salad (I make 3 salads on Sunday night for Mon - Wed and then another batch on Wed night for the rest of the week). If I'm feeling tired of salads I'll do soup (which I make myself in big batches and freeze in individual containers) or leftovers from dinner the night before.

    I also keep an emergency can of Progresso Soup in my desk drawer and an emergency Lean Cuisine meal in the freezer in case I forget to make a lunch or end up at work later than I had planned and need to grab a quick dinner.
  • sfh0wrd
    sfh0wrd Posts: 82
    The other day I had a lunch that really hit the spot, and is super easy to pack.

    -Tuna salad (made with 1 can of tuna, 1 tbsp of mayo, 2 tsp mustard, 3 tbsp of frozen green peas, salt pepper, and a touch of hot sauce, if you're into that)
    -1/2 cup cucumber slices (dip into the tuna salad! I'm wheat free myself... cucumbers make good "crackers")
    -1/2 cup grapes

    Dessert: 1 tbsp semi sweet chocolate chips mixed with 3 tbsp walnuts.

    Seriously, I should pack this (or a version) of this every day! Very good.

    Or a salad with shredded chicken breasts, chick peas or red beans, avocado, tomato, cucumber, green onions, red pepper, and a easy balsamic vinegarette... just vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder.
  • I try to pack leftovers from dinner (which keeps my portion control at dinner in check because I have to have some left over for lunch the next day). If I don't have leftovers, I often make a salad- my favorite is also like a Tex-Mex salad- greens, red peppers, black beans, cukes, tomatoes, and some salsa instead of dressing- add an avocado for some healthy fat. Since you are new at your job, this would probably be weird for you until you get more comfortable, but I also keep a small Ninja blender at work and about 3 times a week, I have a green smoothie for lunch (spinach, kale, swiss chard, carrots, banana, berries, coconut water- and this is super easy to pack since nothing really has to be assembled, I just throw those items in my lunch bag and then do the prep/blending at lunchtime) and split it with a coworker/friend who is also on a path to health. People give us funny looks all the time, but we don't care- my green smoothie is doing wayyyyy more for my body than their takeout.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm gluten free as well and I make wraps using bibb lettuce a lot. You can really "beef" up a salad too (add hard boiled eggs, 3-6 oz of lean protein, veggies) and there's a lot of variety so that you don't get burnt out on them. I also make a chicken or tuna salad that I just eat with a fork and have some carrots on the side. Larabars, bananas, grapes, homemade trail mix or almonds are my go-to "dessert" items.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    Stay away from precooked/microwave meals. Those usually have loads of salt in them (30%+!). Leftovers from supper/day before, what ever you normally eat.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I usually bring a salad w/ some sort of protein on top (be it lunch meat, leftover chicken breast, tuna, etc)

    but when I was very low on groceries earlier this week I brought an oatmeal packet I could heat in the microwave and some packaged fruit (dole grapefruit cups)...

    usually also a snack tags along just in case I get peckish. a granola bar or a piece of fruit, generally.

    I try to eat a little lighter when I'm at work since personally I just end up eating whenever I get home!

    hope all goes well at work :D
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    if they have a microwave it's easy.

    sometimes I bring brown rice with a little hot sauce and heat that up, then add avocado (cube it in the morning and put in a baggie with a little lemon or line) and a can of tuna. yummy and filling.

    I also keep protein powder and a blender bottle at my desk just in case I don't have time for breakfast or lunch that day.
  • This may seem silly and I originally saved this website for when my son is old enough to start but they have 171 ideas for healthy "lunch box" meals and a lot of them seem really tasty! I hope it brings you some good ideas :)!i=696914291&k=YxmUd
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You can have a cooking day on Sunday where you pre-cook your food for the week. You could also do the same for dinners. Cook a few chicken breasts, turkey patties, fish (any lean proteins that you like), roast and/or steam some veggies and make a big batch of quinoa, potatoes, etc for your carbs. Then just assemble small meals in storage containers and you have meals ready for the entire week. Soups & stews also pack and keep well all week.
  • annavt09
    annavt09 Posts: 16 Member
    deli turkey slice and spinach wrapped in low carb tortilla


    sandwich rounds w/ 1 Tbsp peanut butter

    These are both quick and easy. On the weekends, I divide my fruits and veggies into ziploc baggies so I just "grab and go" in the mornings.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    For lunch, I always make Grilled chiken or fish..and then have veggies on the side. You can also make a salad out of it.
    Be sure to have snacks, the vending machine is NOT your friend! I always bring two pieces of fruit like an apple, banana, blueberries, ect. I also bring yogurt and cottage cheese, which I like to mix together. Try other options like nuts, granola.. I also keep a jar of peanut butter at my desk in case I have a craving for something. Hope this helps!
  • didyb
    didyb Posts: 19 Member
    On days that I work, I have the same lunch... everyday. Chobani Yogurt, small can low sodium V-8, piece of fruit. I also have the same breakfast. (cereal, milk, coffee)... everyday. That way, the food can be entered in MFP under meals... and also, you just know what you're going to have. For me, it has helped relegate food to a basic necessity, rather than a treat or a celebration. I know it sounds boring, but it has really helped my mental attitude towards food.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Lots of great ideas so far!

    I have a mini fridge at work that I keep stocked with yogurt, fruit and cheese. I also keep cereal on hand, Kashi-Go Lean & soy milk.

    In my desk, I always have a bag of walnuts & almonds.

    In my car, I keep a bag of Quaker Oatmeal Squares in case I'm running late...then I can have a couple handfuls....keeps me from hitting the drive thru.

    For lunches, sometimes it's cold cuts with or without bread. Maybe over a salad.
    Anything you can make a big batch off and can reheat throughout the week.

    Good luck at you new job!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    i work an 8-12hr shifts i pack

    -165g of mixed veggies
    -156g of chicken breast
    -3tbsp of flax seed
    3 of those meals for work.. eat 1 every 3 hrs
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
    I get subway each day for work because sometimes I don't feel like making my own lunch. I get a footlong and eat 6 inches for breakfast and the other half for lunch. I usually get the turkey breast on whole wheat with no cheese, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers and light yellow mustard. 6 inches= 290 calories and its filling :)
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    I either have wraps with tons of salad, fruit with yogurt and muesli, leftovers or occasionally sandwiches. I get bored quite easily normally so I try to take things that I can make different every day. (Different veggies, fruits etc) I also take fruit or nuts and a yogurt for snacks. Experiment a bit and be creative. Good luck with the new job :smile:
  • Nayinva
    Nayinva Posts: 5
    I was on a gluten free diet there for a while, and I did alot of stir fry. I usually did Shrimp and I found this gluten free stir fry sauce that is amazing.
    I also did a lot of homemade soups, My Friend turned me on to
    Its a site that list some common gluten free items, so I would just go downt he list and create meals. For example
    Tyson Chicken tenders, Apple Sauce, and a veggie... For snack at work I would do Act !! popcorn.

    I wish you the best at the new job and with the lunches... need anymore idea contact me...! LET US KNOW HOW IT TURNS OUT!!!
  • I often like to make a large dinner early in the week and eat the leftovers for lunch. Eggplant or zucchini lasagna (Made with thin slices of eggplant or zucchini instead of noodles and made with low fat and fat free cheeses and lots of fresh spinach). Chili made with 96% lean ground beef. Veggie soup with quinoa. Stewed chicken tacos (use the soft corn tortillas and fresh veggies, low fat cheese, and low fat sour cream for toppings). Black Bean soup. These are all meals I have made that are low fat and the leftover hold up well for lunches.

    I also change it up a bit so I am not always eating leftovers or the same thing day after day by eating things like salads, hummus and naan bread and veggies, fruit salad, yogurt, low fat potato salad, and wraps.

    Where I live they also have a great store called Fresh and Easy that has awesome pre-packed meals. I pick one of these up as a treat a couple times a month, and they are actually cheaper than eating lunch out (even at a fast food place.)